Recent content by PolarNorth78

  1. P

    Replacing Old Stop Tap on Old Imperial Pipe

    I should have been a bit clearer, I get the 3/4 olive, it's the suggestion of a 22mm compression for a pipe that's 26.9mm OD. I will do some googling in the meantime. Replacing the pipe isn't an option as that involves digging up the driveway and a heap of pain.
  2. P

    Replacing Old Stop Tap on Old Imperial Pipe

    Thanks all, Super helpful! I have a confession, I've done the classic thing of a one inch pipe, is NOT one inch... So having measured it with a tape measure (I don't have a set of verniers at the moment), it's around 26mm which puts it inline with 3/4 Inch Alkathene...
  3. P

    Replacing Old Stop Tap on Old Imperial Pipe

    Morning All, My Stop Tap has seized up and the good old spanner and lubracating spray hasnt helped. Ive attached an image as its a bit of a dogs dinner and will need a lot of tidying up (plumbing under the sink is a right mess). The layout: 1) What appears to be 1 inch black imperial pipe...
  4. P

    Partitioning Garage

    Thanks both, if it would need a BC application I would be minded to convert the whole garage. How come only this partitioned area would need one as its not really habitable (2-3 square meters at most)? The gas meter would pass underneath the proposed stud wall. I havent traced the gas pipe but...
  5. P

    Under Stair Storage and Reinforcement

    Thanks for the replies. Seems like its a simpler job then what I was thinking. The only other thing is how to secure to the wall as I suspect I will make some bracing to support the mini landing area. Is this a case of using joist hangers and some 2x4 or similar? RE using a company, this is the...
  6. P

    Partitioning Garage

    Good Morning, I have an integral garage which is double skin contruction where part of the main house (about 1500 mm) and then single skin with piers for the protrusion. The upstairs wall is supported by a concrete lintel. The floor is concrete and stepped down from the main house. I am...
  7. P

    Under Stair Storage and Reinforcement

    Good Morning, The previous owners started to utilse the space underneath the stairs as storage and I want to open it up a lot more. I have the following challenges: 1) The stairs creak underfoot. 2) You will see from the images its a mess and the classic a block of wood and more nails will do...