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  1. N

    Internal pipe stop end

    I have a shower head that leaks ever so slightly (2 drops per minute or so), which I never use. I remember there were some plastic stop ends to put inside the pipe before I screw on the shower head (I still want to heave the shower head on, it just won't work), but can't find them online. Does...
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    How to fill these gaps?

    My joiner left a few unfinished gaps in my two bedsides. Being a bit of a DYIer I asked him what should I fill it in, caulk or silicone, and he said either. I am thinking of silicone because of movement (building's 120 years old). Would that be the right choice? Another question: material...
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    How to seal this hole on the floor?

    I've got this horror under my kitchen sink, and I need to seal it with expanding foam. However the hole is at the back of the wall. I was thinking of laying one layer of foam at the time at the perimeter and then gradually coming in until it's fully sealed, however I'm not sure this will work as...
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    Change of radiator of Hive TRV?

    My ensuite bathroom has 2 external double brick walls and a large window. Naturally, in the winter, it's the coldest room in the flat by around 5 degrees, and very humid. It's also the only room with a single radiator, everywhere else it's a double. I can manage the heating of the entire flat...
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    Supporting for large wardrobe door?

    My joiner left a wardrobe project unfinished. He had said that he was going to put supporting rods behind the wardrobe doors, which are basically three 3m tall sliding doors. I haven't found on google something that classifies as a wooden panel supporting rod, I don't know if he had something...
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    Can I add a thermostat to an electric towel radiator?

    Can I have a thermostat attached to this radiator, or even a timer switch to replace the socket with? I'm looking for a better solution than the on/off switch. My bathroom is constantly cold and I want to have some control over how much electricity I'm using...
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    The second electrician says the first one shouldn't have issued a satisfactory EICR.

    In my rented property I had the fuse board re-installed a couple of years ago and an EICR was issued as satisfactory. I'm not a sparky myself, nor exactly familiar with the whole process, so I trusted the guy. Now, another electrician comes along that replaced a wall socket, looked around, and...
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    Sealing the gap behind an office worktop

    The joiner I hired to do my home office left the job unfinished, resulting in a lot of snagging, one of which is a gap about 1-2mm behind the worktop. The gap is uneven since the cut was uneven, due to a bent static wall. Should I do anything with it like seal it with silicone or caulk? Or...
  9. N

    Noisy acoustic/intumescent gaskets

    My joiner installed these around my FD30 doors. The doors need to be pushed hard to close, otherwise they won't close. Also, when they open, they make a loud-ish noise like someone is removing a large sticker from the door, which is the plastic gasket detaching from the wooden door. Is this...
  10. N

    What type of brush to paint sash windows and architraves?

    The joiners who installed my new timber sash windows used a makeup brush allegedly to minimise the brush effect that it could have on the wood. What would you suggest that I use for touch up? Should I go for a makeup brush or something like this? At the moment I'm only after painting a coat or...
  11. N

    Replacing dimmer with Hue dimmer

    I have this old dimmer switch that I want to replace with a Hue dimmer. Obviously the lights should be "on" so that I can control them with the Hue switch. Can I just connect the two wires? Otherwise, what's the best way to install the Hue switch? Should I just leave the existing dimmer and...
  12. N

    Is this amount of condensation right for new sash windows?

    Just had my old single-pane timber sash windows replaced with new, double-glazed ones. I woke up to this amount of condensation, which is much better than the old crappy windows, but still, it can accumulate and build moisture etc. Is this right at the end of the day for new windows? Should I...
  13. N

    Woodex for sash windows

    I was told by a joiner that he uses Woodex softwood to create sash windows. I was wondering, is this good material?
  14. N

    Adjusting the door closer

    In my building the door slams every time it closes. I tried adjusting the speed of the door closer, but the instructions show 3 points of adjustment, whereas I only managed to find one (the side one) and adjust it with an Allen key. Am I missing something? I can't find the rest of the screws...
  15. N

    Increase internal door height and replace with new ones

    This is not exactly a DIY as I won't be doing this myself. I wanted to ask for the collective wisdom of what type of contractors this will entail (who will I need). I want to increase the door height in my flat. Above the existing doors is hollow (plaster) and can be knocked down. I will need a...
  16. N

    Gap between skirting floor and wooden floor

    I've installed this new floor and used acoustic underlay (mutemat-3) and plywood below the wooden floor. The floorboards weren't changed and are quite old and crooked (in retrospect I should have changed them but wasn't guided to do so). Also, perimeter strip (a foamy strip) has been installed...
  17. N

    Costs to fix a drain + scaffolding

    A drain in my mansion block has disconnected and needs to be put back together (picture attached). This results in a noisy leak. We'be been quoted scaffolding only costs of over £1000. Is this right? It's on the 3rd floor of a property. Access from the window might be possible, but I only...
  18. N

    Filling a screw hole in tile

    I want to move my shower's glass holder further, so that leaves the old hole in the tile, with a wall plug in it. How do I remove the wall plug, and how do I fill the tile with (beige) filler? Or, what filler do I use? Pictures attached.
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    Wood joins problem

    I put on engineered click floor, but the installer seems to me that he hasn't done a great job. He said that because he had to start from one side of the flat and go all the way, this resulted in what you can see in the pictures below: he had to fit the rest of the click floor "from the back...
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    Wooden floor discolouration

    We used vinegar and baking soda solution, and now the floor has been discolored. Below are pictures of the normal floor (lighter) and the current situation. It's almost as dirt has gone in the pores. This might have happened by trying to remove a black spot from the floor, and then transferring...