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  1. Madrab

    Warm drinking water

    If the water is being used regularly then legionella shouldn't be an issue - that being said - you are correct that the water shouldn't be getting unusually warm - the key to that is insulation and avoid routing cold pipe with anything that is above ambient temp which seems to be what you are...
  2. Madrab

    Kitchen sink move, door in the way of waste

    If you can get a suitable fall to flow properly to the drains then yes, no reason why not.
  3. Madrab

    Really Quick Question about Speedfit Inserts

    Couldn't agree more - though I do have to say that the HEP can be worse - they say they are demountable but once you do manage to get them off the pipe (that's using the full key too) the S/S insert invariably stays in the fitting. At least with the JG you can undo the nut and take the insert...
  4. Madrab

    Kitchen waste too high, is the only option to lower?

    The trap is always full of water anyway - that's the seal. If you keep the outflow where it it, not only will the trap be full but 3/4's of all the waste pipework will be too. It will still drain but it's not right and needs fixed - that is why the last trap setup with all the tape and stuff...
  5. Madrab

    How is this tap connected?

    Makes sense
  6. Madrab

    Isolating toilet and basin

    Sorted and such a lovely pigtail ;) - can I recommend that you use McAlpine stuff in the future rather than the B shed's Floplast - it's so much better quality stuff.
  7. Madrab

    Advice on getting the correct fittings - installation of bath taps

    The green on the pipework is copper oxide - it can be just down to the environment or where flux from soldering hasn't been cleaned off properly but when you see that blushed rosy/red colour underneath then that's where the copper is a little more than just a patina. Sometime it's where the flux...
  8. Madrab

    How is this tap connected?

    Heating the fitting could help them release yes, as suggested use a pair of grips/vice grips to hold the fitting while use a pair of adjustable on the tap itself. No reason not to use outside taps - they are old bib taps already, though you will get a pair of chrome bib taps quite cheaply...
  9. Madrab

    Advice on getting the correct fittings - installation of bath taps

    1st thing - the pipework needs looked at. There is heavy corrosion in all the pipework in the pics and I would recommend that it is removed and replaced as I'm sorry to say that is a nightmare waiting to happen. When copper gets to that colour it is quite critically corroded. Nothing new about...
  10. Madrab

    Really Quick Question about Speedfit Inserts

    In fact they are the best to use with compression fittings - the superseals can be awkward to get the olives and fittings over the seals without damaging them - in fact if that's all that's available and compression is being used then take the top seal off before fitting the nut and olive.
  11. Madrab

    Really Quick Question about Speedfit Inserts

    Yes - the superseals are just a belt 'n' braces approach for the JG fittings but the standard rigid inserts are fine
  12. Madrab

    Which part to buy! Kitchen sink plumbing

    No not at all - both your sinks are trapped by the single P trap so all good - the McAlpine 11/2 bowl set is specifically made so the trap goes to the 1/2 bowl, that's all.
  13. Madrab

    Kitchen waste too high, is the only option to lower?

    You get everything you need with these 2 items - the core set has all the adapters and guide drill etc and the gun is all you need for an a now and again use
  14. Madrab

    Which part to buy! Kitchen sink plumbing

    Or buy one of these - Trap side goes on the half bowl then just re-arrange the waste run Screwfix - McAlpine
  15. Madrab

    Isolating toilet and basin

    Pigtailing will work - do it all the time - if it doesn't want to hold the loop flat against itself when tightening the flexi to the fill valve then a small tie wrap will hold it neatly together - the alternative is to cut and cap that feed and cut another tee and bend in further along the 15mm...
  16. Madrab

    Wall hung toilet not tight against wall

    Yes - understand that - the minute that's sat on then either the bolts will bend or the pan would crack the way it is. All things being equal and if the wall etc is pretty vertical then (edit) again the only thing that can be out is the frame or the bolts/fixings. That then comes back to the...
  17. Madrab

    Isolating toilet and basin

    Hmmm - tight space with little access, basin waste pipe in the way - no easy way to do that I'm afraid TBH the best way to do that would be to lift the cistern and then use a proper WRAS approved (SS) valved flexi and pigtail it. That'll allow the cistern to be put back down and then the flexi...
  18. Madrab

    Isolating toilet and basin

    Need to see a pic of the toilet pipework - but you would use either a service valve (not an ISO valve) on the fill valve or trim the pipe up to the cistern back and then connect a flexi with a valve.
  19. Madrab

    Kitchen waste too high, is the only option to lower?

    Draper - certainly not the best but certainly not the worst. Not bad for its entry level price range IMO.
  20. Madrab

    Kitchen waste too high, is the only option to lower?

    Yes - but for what you need it to do and if you're only lightly using it then this would do as equally as well - if you think you may have the need to use it in the future.