War Machine

The concern about taking all of Russia's assets is the influence it may well have on what reserve currencies countries tend to use. This could have an effect on the $ and the Euro, maybe GBP too.

In this respect you need to consider the world is a big place. It doesn't just include western powers. Fact is lots are getting a bit fed up with them. Given the tariffs the US has placed on some Chinese goods of various types i suspect this aspect will get worse. Many will just want what is best for their country,
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What reserve currency do you suggest they use instead?
No point in answering questions about reserve currencies when I have pointed out the concerns. Ask them why there is a concern.
It's relevant because there aren't many options

China has more money than it knows what to do with, and buys US T bonds

Russia is untrustworthy

Most non-western countries are not in a position to be bankers for the world. Some are too corrupt or incompetent.

Switzerland has form for stealing deposits.

The Euro is the second reserve currency.

UK does a bit

If a country threatens to take its reserves away, what will it do with them?
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Russia has announced plans to raise taxes on businesses and the wealthy as it scrambles for additional revenue to fund its invasion of Ukraine. The Ministry of Finance proposed new tax thresholds for top earners and a hike in corporation tax. The amendments are expected to raise about 2.6 trillion rubles ($29bn) a year, the Interfax news agency reported, citing Finance Ministry calculations. “The changes are aimed at building a fair and balanced tax system,” Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov said in a statement...@Al Jazeera.

Income tax is currently 13% for the majority of Russians, with some higher earners paying a rate of 15%. I can only imagine the woe and lamentation if Keir Starmer proposed that level of IT in this country. The corporate tax will rise from 20-to-25%, adding 1.6 trillion roubles ($18b) to the budget in 2025 and 11.1 trillion roubles ($125.3bn) by 2030, according to Interfax.
Be a lert - your country needs you. Transam was right...shocking i know, but Russian spies really are everywhere. Forcing planes down in Finland. Setting fires ablaze in Lituania and now i know who to blame for the absence of any radio reception the other day.

Their fingerprints are all over it...
