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Marking the wall before starting to wallpaper

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Marking the wall

Never assume that corners of a room are square or completely vertical. They are often out of line as can be doors and windows. Use a plumb line to carefully measure the first length. Do not measure at a corner or next to a door or window. If there are more windows in the room, start next to the largest one.

It is always advisable to work away from the source of light, to help diminish any slight overlaps casting shadows and making the seams obvious from the doorway. It does not matter whether you start from the left or right hand side of the window. Hold the plumb line and pencil on the wall at the top and bottom of the system. Use a length of straight wood, long ruler or spirit level to join the marks. Repeat the process at intervals around the room. It is sometimes helpful to continue the line you intend using from the floor to the ceiling, to give a good guide for the first length of paper hanging.

Measure the width of a roll and place the plumb line a roll length from the window and mark the vertical line. This will give a good guide for the position of the first length.

If using a patterned paper and there is a central feature to the room (such as a fireplace), you may want to line up a length directly over the focal point. It is important to start on that wall at the centre and work outwards towards the corners of the room. Follow the pattern around the remainder of the room using the above guidelines, working away from the window, but keeping the pattern in line with the completed wall.

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