Snickers 9118 Floor Layers Knee Pads

Snickers Authorised Stockist

Rating  Overall Rating 5 stars

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Item Id :21002474

Rating  Overall Rating 5 stars  (1) read review(s)

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Snickers 9118 Floor Layers Knee Pads

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Read 1 Customer Review(s) for Snickers 9118 Floor Layers Knee Pads

Overall Rating
Overall Rating 5 stars
Value for Money
Overall Rating 5 stars
Overall Rating 5 stars
Overall Rating 5 stars
Build Quality
Overall Rating 5 stars

Denis 24/03/2014 21:47:25

in my 35 years as a carpet fitter i have tried many different types of knee pads. most were pretty useless, moving around and falling off. generally they were more of an hinderence than a help going very thin quickly and giving very little protection to my knees. i decided to try these knee pads in conjunction with the snickers floorlayers trouser. the first thing i noticed was how wonderfuly comfortable they were, just like kneeling on air, and they stayed in place!! another great thing about them is they allow moisture to evaporate keeping your knees dry and cool great when you are crawling around on carpets all day i have had these pads six years they have seen off 3 pairs of snickers and 2 pairs of mascot almada trousers. i have to admit i now need a new pair. i only paid £20 for them last time, they are a lot more now but worth every penny. The best knee pads on the market bar none.

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There is manufacturer warranty for this product which covers all manufacturing defects for the normal lifetime of the tool but does not cover wear and tear or damaged cause by misuse. This does not affect your statutory rights.

Get help regarding Snickers 9118 Floor Layers Knee Pads

For any technical enquiries relating to this product it is best to call the manufacturer, Snickers, direct on 01484854488.

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