A vote for Labour or Lib Dems will see this country in the same state as Greece in less than 5 years. I don't vote tory either but out of the main 3 parties I believe the tories have the better idea on how to sort the economy out. As mentioned above, if the IMF ever get involved we will have much worse cuts than what the tories are proposing so lets just get on with paying this money back now and get it over with.
It's not to dissimilar to an IVA arrangement, you have to live on a budget for 5 years but at least at the end of it you are debt free, burying your head in the sand will only compound the problem.
People make such a big deal about the NHS, education etc but to be honest, education isn't going to improve just by throwing money at it in the same way that the NHS doesn't need more money, it needs an overhaul! I find the staff in our local hospital lack moral, have no compassion and will leave you sitting in a hallway awaiting treatment whilst they wait for their shift change over to come about. The NHS is appauling and this is only highlighted in the rising number of people paying for private treatment with the likes of BUPA.
Too many people have an opinion but have no basis for their arguement, they just assume that less money means less care or less education and this simply isn't the case.
The UK's biggest issue is the economy and immigration, let's get these things sorted as they both have a direct impact on the NHS, education (classroom sizes) and jobs for school leavers to go to. Frankly the education system is a failure now even after all the investment, if the children were tought more about money, maths, english, science etc and less on multicultural bullsh*t, we may see the return of a civil and decent society. Let's face it, the younger generation are a bunch of wasters, disrespectful little trolls that bring misery to all. I'm a father of 3 so this is not a biased opinion, I have to do everything in my power to make sure my kids stay on the right track and not slip into the life of dole sponging scum like alot of society.
Oh and we should stop pummeling billions into this global warming scam aswell.
In a nut shell, vote Labour or Lib and see the demise of the UK, vote for the tory muppets, let them clean the mess up and hopefully proportional representation will bring about some real democracy and we can have a government that actually represents the views of everyone and not just the main 3 parties.