Was this really proportionate

1 Aug 2008
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United Kingdom
If this is really proportionate to the crime we had better watch what we say here.

a young man named Paul Chambers has already had his passport well and truly stamped by them. Paul is the man who, excited about traveling to Belfast to a girl he had met through Twitter, posted the following Tweet:

“Crap! Robin Hood Airport is closed. You’ve got a week… otherwise I’m blowing the airport sky high!”

Yesterday, he was found guilty of sending an “indecent, obscene or menacing” message and received a £1000 fine and a criminal record. On top of all this, he lost his job and Crazy Colours (the girl he was originally flying over to meet) said yesterday “Paul was half way through qualifying as an accountant. This conviction means he can’t qualify now. His career is ruined.”
Taken from http://whythatsdelightful.wordpress.com/2010/05/11/prague-1965/
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Hmmmmm :idea: Maybe someone should report Alsheating for saying on here that he can't wait for the day when Muslims rule the world and the UK is hijacked :eek:
Very close to home for me, that. I think it certainly sends out a message to everyone, that we're all being watched online. The timing of the remark was certainly very bad - everywhere has been on high terror alert for the past 9 years, posting that on a public forum (twitter) was in very bad taste to say the least.

Though you and I probably can tell that it was a joke, any threat to a place where lots of people gather is taken very seriously by the authorities. Just look at the uproar when a bag is left unattended at an airport. Evacuation, bomb squad, army etc, when 99% of the time it is just an innocent mistake. ;)
bombs and airports is a very very touchy subject and one area you DONT **** with or make jokes about in this country.............
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Common sense should surely prevail. It is this type of nonsense which ****es me off, I recently said on a similar medium that if labour got back in, i'd track down every labour/lib dem voter and cut their voting hands off.

Of course i didn't mean it...i'm not going to be able to get round to ALL of them. They need to look at things in context. If he was posting on a pakistani hosted website alongside pictures of him with ak47s then yeah..i get it, but twitter?? :rolleyes:
Of course i didn't mean it...i'm not going to be able to get round to ALL of them.
Exactly, this is the point. What you said is impossible. You might get a couple, then get caught. And chances are, nobody would die.

But its entirely possible to blow up an airport! And timing it right, you could kill thousands of people.
Of course i didn't mean it...i'm not going to be able to get round to ALL of them.
Exactly, this is the point. What you said is impossible. You might get a couple, then get caught. And chances are, nobody would die.

But its entirely possible to blow up an airport! And timing it right, you could kill thousands of people.

....not if the only reason he is blowing it up is because it is closed...
He never said it was gonna be when it was closed.

He might have had every intention of blowing it sky high whilst open!
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