Disability Benefit Scrounging ?



According to IAn Duncan Smith, the new Work and Pensions Secretary, there is 1.4 million people who have been on on Disability Benefit for 9 or more years.

Wonder how many of them are actually unable to work, i bet it isnt 1.4 million.............?
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Normally the ex coal mining areas of full of these lazy parasites who bleed us all dry. :evil:
It's no good just talking about it. He won't actually do anything about it cuz they never do.
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don't forget "disabled" includes people with mental health problems who used to be in the now closed institutions

it includes soldiers who have been unable to cope in civvy street after army life

it includes blind people

it includes people in wheel chairs

it include people dying from asbestoses and other industrial poisoning

it includes people who are worn out through years off hard manual graft whose joints are giving out through arthritis

it includes people with back problems

don't forget people have to go through fairly rigerous health checks by dhss appointed doctors after 6 months on the "sick" to be classified as disabled and are re-assed at intervals the doctors see fit iff the condition has a chance off improving

of course there are people that play the system and take out when they shouldn't

no different in my eyes to any one reading this thread who does cash jobs and not pay tax or buys duty free from a man in the pub

we are all guilty of getting as much out off the system as we can and pay as little tax as we can usually legally but not always me included :eek:
Don't forget people have to go through fairly rigerous health checks by dhss appointed doctors after 6 months on the "sick" to be classified as disabled and are re-assed at intervals.

i have deleted the rest of your post because i agree with it, however i'm not so sure about this comment.

Everyone of knows tons of people who are cheatingthe system by claimong benefit they shouldnt (we are guilty of ignoring it so are adding to the problem) but too many people believe it is their "right" to get what they are "due" by stealing from the rest of us.

It is now common place for people in their 30's-40's who have never worked, brought up their kids who now dont work who have kids of their own, with their first port of call being the DSS to get what they are due, then off to the housing to demand "their" house.
It needs to be stopped before we implode under the pressure of less and less of us supporting more and more.

This is in no intended as a dig at anyone who is entitled to benefit, just the scroungers
According to Ian Duncan Smith, the new Work and Pensions Secretary

Who will never, never , never in his lifetime have to survive on anything approaching the meagre amount of money these people have to survive on.
Yep it's a cruel world.

My partner's late husband, having been diagnosed with terminal cancer, couldn't claim disability. He had to sign on as unemployed and be actively looking for work. When he asked the question, who's going to employ someone who has less than a year to live? He was told that he should only look for temporary work!!!

F***ing unbelievable
sorry should be a bit clearer

you go sick for what ever reason you are sick and not avalable for work
if after six months [or there abouts] if you havent returned to work a dhss doctor will ether say your fit for work/will be fit for work soonish
or say your entitled to claim dissability
don't forget people have to go through fairly rigerous health checks by dhss appointed doctors after 6 months on the "sick" to be classified as disabled and are re-assed

Think you need to check your spelling Big Al.
If I know anyone who nees re-assing, I promise to visit them in hospital to find out exactly what this operation entails. ;) ;) ;)
Normally involve fitting new cheeks, replacing the ring and gasket and a polish.
never was any good as spelling english being a scot :D :D

at least it gave you a laugh and possibly a new derriere :LOL: :LOL: :cool:
we all have our crosses to bare :LOL:

a scot in surrey, damn i knew we should have built the wall higher :LOL:
You surprise me Big Al.

The Scottish Education System was second to none. I did my primary education in Scotland and when I came to live in England, the kids in my class were at least a year behind me in everything. Maths, English, (spelling and grammar).

Some of them had trouble stringing a few words into a sentence. I see from the present education system here in England, that not a lot has changed.

;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
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