Thank Goodness!

2 Feb 2006
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United Kingdom
I personally have no political bent though i was brought up in a Labour household.

However the Tories deserve a pat on the back for clamping down on the lunatic H&S Nazis that have been crippling this country for the past decade or two.

H&S in this country is little more than a joke.

They have decided enough is enough and that common sense should be used where in the past lawyers and blood sucking parasites would otherwise be reaping the dollar.

Hear, Hear to common sense.
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Is this the same government that said they were scrapping bank bonuses?

As the French say: "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose."

(The more things change - the more they stay the same.)
Don't think this is about changing Health and Safety in the workplace, it is not.

This is more to do with the silly assessments made by Local Authorities and some business managers and their H&S advisor's.

If we believe what we read in the press we would not be allowed to use step ladders at work, change light bulbs etc.

What I hope these recommendations will address is the fear culture in some workplaces, schools, hospitals and Local Authorities.

Almost all of the stories you read in the press are not recommendations from the Health and Safety Executive but misinterpretation of H&S regulations by busy bodies who do not know anything about risk.

Yes some schools have been sued following the death or serious injury of a child. But those injuries and deaths could have been avoided or even mitigated if H&S risk assessments were left to those people who understand them.
Is this the same government that said they were scrapping bank bonuses?

As the French say: "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose."

(The more things change - the more they stay the same.)

Yeah probably Joe, but it is refreshing to know that people are finally recognising that H&E is so far up its own ass and that people are actually aware of it.

Let's face it - high vis jackets and hard hats in the middle of an unoccupied field in broad daylight.

Eff off, is what i say. :rolleyes:
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Have to agree noseall. On building sites, when working inside houses, hanging doors, installing kitchens etc I can't see the point in having to wear a bl00dy hard hat, hi viz etc etc.
Mind you, years ago I did have a moneyspider drop on to me from the ceiling. Had I not had my hard hat on I could have been seriously injured or worse. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Let's face it - high vis jackets and hard hats in the middle of an unoccupied field in broad daylight. Eff off, is what i say. :rolleyes:

I don't know what the story is on this one, but if anyone told me that I needed to wear a hard hat and high vis jacket in a field in broad daylight I would refuse to enter the field until I had seen the risk assessment showing what the dangers were that required such PPE.
[if anyone told me that I needed to wear a hard hat and high vis jacket in a field in broad daylight I would refuse to enter the field until I had seen the risk assessment showing what the dangers were that required such PPE.

That is the whole point


Of course you do, there could actually be a reason for the PPE. If the RA does not show any risk, then you can tell the decision maker to go away in short sharp jerky movements.
Risk Assessments are just that!
You judge the potential risks and advise the worker what precautions/PPE he should adhere to.
In the middle of an open field the only risk is likely to be a possible dip in the terrain/small pothole or, more usually, cow pats.
Therefore the only PPE posibly required would be a pair of wellies.
Green Armani ones if you are posh. ;)
The point is, if there is no one to sue and no financial gain for money grabbing scrotes then there is no need for a risk assessor and no need to tell folk what to wear.

"Oh look, there's a pothole that i may just stumble over and claim some money. Ouch my neck is sore too."

Risk Assessments are just that!
You judge the potential risks and advise the worker what precautions/PPE he should adhere to.
In the middle of an open field the only risk is likely to be a possible dip in the terrain/small pothole or, more usually, cow pats.
Therefore the only PPE posibly required would be a pair of wellies.
Green Armani ones if you are posh. ;)

Exactly, RA may require boots. End of. ;)

There are actually 5 steps to a risk assessment...

Step 1 Identify the hazards/risk,
Step 2 Decide who might be harmed and how,
Step 3 Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions,
Step 4 Record your findings and implement them,
Step 5 Review your assessment and update if necessary.

There are actually 5 steps to a risk assessment...

Step 1 Identify the hazards/risk,
Step 2 Decide who might be harmed and how,
Step 3 Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions,
Step 4 Record your findings and implement them,
Step 5 Review your assessment and update if necessary.

There are actually 5 steps to a risk assessment...

Step 1 Identify the hazards/risk,
Step 2 Decide who might be harmed and how,
Step 3 Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions,
Step 4 Record your findings and implement them,
Step 5 Review your assessment and update if necessary.


Why? RAs save lives! :(
As part of my last job, I had to do risk assessments. H&S bods then pored over these , then sent them back to me asking why I had missed some imagined danger to pygmy shrews in France,orangutans in Borneo and Soldier ants in the South American rainforest. ;) ;) ;)
That's the whole point. A risk assessment can't ever be fully done. The only way to cover all bases is by not doing any work at all.

Christ, when I was young, we used to climb trees, swim in the lock gates on the canal, play all sorts of games without protective clothing/helmets, shin pads etc. Crikey we even used to play conkers in the school playground without fear of being blinded, maimed or killed!!!
Nowadays schoolkids are kept in when it rains for fear of getting wet !!!!!!
Snow?? Forget it, the schools shut till it's all gone.

We mollycoddle the next generation at our own peril, I reckon.
Let's have a return to the good old days of grazed knees, black eyes and the odd broken arm/leg, without recourse to the nearest/cheapest , ambulance chasing lawyer.
Let's put H&S where it belongs, in industry, not the playground, orchards (ripe for scrumping) , or children's parks the length and breadth of this land.
Risk needs to be managed...its when it gets out of control that it becomes a problem. For example a business owner is now responsible for abuse to their third parties.

For example my employee gets called a banker by a passer by...if they decide they are emotionally ruined I a liable for damages for not mitigating the possibility of it happening....

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