Strange fault

1 Dec 2006
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United Kingdom
I have XP & IE(latest) & am getting a strange, intermittent though frequent fault. I'm not sure if it is software, hardware or a virus(not detected by AVG). When browsing a site if a link is opened to another page(even on the same site) then the page freezes & the hard drive can be heard spining for 10-15 secs.. If left alone then the page unfreezes & everything is ok, but if you try to exit the page you get the windows box saying "this programme is not responding click end now to exit", which shuts down IE. Can anyone give me a clue where to start looking Many thanks
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Download and try either or, Firefox , Google Chrome, you may be pleasantly surprised at the outcome.
Thanks, but I'd rather fix the fault if possible( I'm not particularly pc literate & like to stick with what I am used to), it's the first time I've had a problem with IE.
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Thanks, but I'd rather fix the fault if possible( I'm not particularly pc literate & like to stick with what I am used to), it's the first time I've had a problem with IE.

Fair enough,you say you have the up to date IE which is 9 I believe so this is a recent upgrade,so have the problems only just started.I'm not that particularly pc literate but I find either Fox or Chrome so much better and they are only a click away to download.
No the problem has not started since I downloaded IE 9 it is just the last couple of weeks. My main concern is that my hard drive may be starting to play up, which would not be cured by another browser, but I guess trying one may prove where the problem lies. Is it simple to revert to IE if the problem is unresolved?
Now you mention it I'm not 100% sure & to be honest I don't know how to find out. But when ever my pc programs tell me an update is available I always install them so presume I have the latest version of IE. I've looked at the IE icon & "properties" in the programme files & the only reference I can find that may be releveant says ie8props.propdescfile 3KB. is it possible to uninstall the current IE prog & download the correct one without losing all my Favourites etc.
Go into tools on your IE (the little cog wheel top far right) select about inter net explorer, this will give you the version you are running. The ie8 bit above probably gives you a big clue :D
Do you perform regular housekeeping tasks, such as clearing browser cache and other temp locations, defragmentation etc.?
Do you perform regular housekeeping tasks, such as clearing browser cache and other temp locations, defragmentation etc.?
Yes I always keep everything uptodate & carry out regular maintenance, which it appears has been part of my problem. Eddie M pointed me in the right direction, I discovered that I do indeed have IE8, but I also found the microsoft on-line support which has a IE fixit section that has removed some AVG & other add ons that appear to have been causing the problem. Thanks to all.
Do you perform regular housekeeping tasks, such as clearing browser cache and other temp locations, defragmentation etc.?
Yes I always keep everything uptodate & carry out regular maintenance, which it appears has been part of my problem. Eddie M pointed me in the right direction, I discovered that I do indeed have IE8, but I also found the microsoft on-line support which has a IE fixit section that has removed some AVG & other add ons that appear to have been causing the problem. Thanks to all.

Damn, I was gonna post that link, oh well, glad it's fixed. Personally I am getting very frustrated with MS products these days, they keep changing the UI, so I never know where anything is anymore.
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