the budget

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Well, I didn't but we're all going to suffer.

I thought I was hard done by with the retirement age increases, but
apparently if you are 33 years old now, you will retire at 73 !!

Where are all these jobs coming from for 70 year old people, you're basically on the scrap heap at 45 !!

Not to mention the fact that the school leavers can't get jobs, perhaps they are increasing the retirement age in line with the age you actually get your first job, rather than in line with increased life expectancy.

Fuel duty increases still go, even though they get a windfall in duty collected everytime it rises anyway.

Stamp Duty at 7% for mansions, how much is that going top bring in ??
Far better to reduce the current stamp duty at the lower levels to help get the market going - 5% of nothing is still nothing !!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Like it's the Tories fault.
Labour left the country without a pot to **** in and now have the temerity to say their solution is the way forward - borrow and spend.
They couldn't run a bath.
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Like it's the Tories fault.
Labour left the country without a pot to p**s in and now have the temerity to say their solution is the way forward - borrow and spend.
They couldn't run a bath.

I whole heartedly agree, but that doesn't make the coalition policies correct.
I agree on both the last posts.
But it is still Labours faulty initially.
I agree on both the last posts.
But it is still Labours faulty initially.

Depends really on how far back you want to go.
A major contributor to the current situation is the near collapse of the banking system and that can be traced back to the Tory de-regulation of the Financial System.
Like it's the Tories fault.
Labour left the country without a pot to p**s in and now have the temerity to say their solution is the way forward - borrow and spend.
They couldn't run a bath.

I whole heartedly agree, but that doesn't make the coalition policies correct.
When you're potless, you tend to have very limited options.

So, What should have been done in the Budget then?
What would really make an instant improvement in our circumstances?
Doesn't matter who's in charge. They're damned if they do, and damned if they don't.
PS Gordon Brown has joined our darts team. We asked him if he'd mind marking a game or two, He said "Fine." ... Then we found he couldn't add up or subtract. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
As I've said, reduce Stamp Duty at the lower end to get the house market going.
If houses start to sell they will actually bring in more money than they are at the moment. No sales, means no stamp duty.

The economy needs stimilating, not making empty gestures of increasing stamp duty on larger proprties, the mone that will bring in is a drop in the ocean.

If they are looking for savings, they could do what Labour should have done and abolish Road Tax and build it into the cost of fuel. That way they wouldn't need a massive organisation to collect it and and another organisation to check for evasion. Think of the savings that would make and nobody could evade it, even the foreign visitors would have to pay.

Reduce overseas aid, if you or I were potless, we wouldn't give to charity would we ? - Charity begins at home !

If they still want to give some overseas aid, then direct it at charities that will see it goes where it's supposed to go, not to less scrupulous individuals to pay for proporties in Paris or to ungrateful recipients.

If they're knocking the pensioners, have a look at MP's pensions, is it right that they are eligible for a pension after just one trem of parliament?
And at a time when we are struggling to pay the state pension commitments, they should be looking to reverse the recent legislation that reduced the number of qualifying years. ( If that really is for mothers who take time off work to look after children or for carers then give them credits for those years, don't just give pensions to all and sundry for a shorter qualifying peroid.
We don't need to reduce stamp duty for houses to start selling. House prices need to be reduced to a realistic value, not what greedy estate agents reckon they are worth. The only reason houses are (or were) so expensive, was the stupid way mortgages were thrown at the gullible buyers. Years ago, you could get a mortgage worth roughly 3 or 4 times what your annual income was. A few years ago, building societies and banks were selling mortgages , they knew people, either couldn't afford, or would struggle to pay. As a result , house prices went up to unrealistic prices. They now need to come back down .
Example, in 1970, my father bought his bungalow (brand new) for £3900. His mortgage was based on 3x his salary. Now similar houses on his street are selling for £180,000. Based on 3x salary, then only someone on £60,000 pa income could buy it.
What this budget should finally point out to all but the very thickest people is that the government doesn't actually control the economy...

Relying on the argument that if we tax the rich less they might actually pay something is a surrender to blackmail..

It's the same with corporations...lower company tax, and at some point they might cough up a bit. And when it gets real low, then they'll claim that they are paying everything they should!

Meanwhile, the most vulnerable get f*cked over yet again, and we still have our privatised health service to look forward to...

Virtual economies weren't started by thatcher, but she was the one who turned it into an art form on orders from elsewhere, so look no further for the puppet incarnate!
I agree with what you say ellal.
I was listening to radio 4 on budget day and it was said that the 50p rate of tax wasn't working because of tax avoidance schemes but are we to assume the rich will abandon these schemes if they are taxed at only 45p? It also said that this will result in a loss of only a couple of hundred million pounds anyway but will encourage investors and investment. Perhaps the hope is that the rich will use this windfall to employ more workers . Not holding my breath on that one.
The low corperation tax was also said to be a good thing for bringing in overseas investors , but what do they do with the money they don't pay in tax, simple they export it, it goes abroad to their own countries and banks. Then because we have such **** poor employment laws (which this government has talked about "relaxing" even more) when things get a little tight its factories in this country that get closed down so easily.
We need a bloody good revolution :evil:
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