Sport Relief


As i said before, you're making the problem worst for our children and their children, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM!! Bob Geldoff hasn't so what makes you think you will succeed?

I give nothing to sport relief, however every month direct debits from my account go to Peta, WISPA the blue cross and dogs trust who have never put a healthy dog down

That rang a bell,

Care to comment?
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Thanks for that alarm, i shall cut them off if that item is true.
My m8ts daughter is training as a vet and she was talking about this the other day.

As you can see, it was not an attack on you.
Just in case, some are getting too upset over nothing recently.
Thanks for that alarm, i shall cut them off if that item is true.

Yep PETA kill animals that's why I don't support them.
Blue cross are great, worked at their horse sanctuary for a while.

Put your money to good, send it to the ALF, they rescue many animals. Oh by the way, the RSPCA kill many more...
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By the way, PETA UK don't kill animals and your money doesn't goto anywhere other than the uk.
How much was free in the coverage? The cameramen, sound techs? Props?
Electricity? The street closures cost, were they free? The presenters fees?
Take them and others out of the equation and it was futile.

The presenters dont get paid for Sport Relief, unless the are on a broadcasting contract which they get paid as normal. The call centres are staffed by volunteers. The studios are paid for anyway. Of course there will be admin fees, the energy suppliers will want there money, the police will want their money for overtime closing streets and escorting etc. You cant run a massive charity like that without some expense. But it wont eat into an amount like £50m which they raised.

As i said before, you're making the problem worst for our children and their children, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM!! Bob Geldoff hasn't so what makes you think you will succeed?

I give nothing to sport relief, however every month direct debits from my account go to Peta, WISPA the blue cross and dogs trust who have never put a healthy dog down

So you prefer to give to animal charities that in general, fleece donaters?

If you care so much about animals, why do you donate to a charity that pays its high earning staff, and only a handful....almost £1m combined per year in wages? You should donate to the 'hand to mouth' charities, that way you aint paying CEO's massive salaries.

These large charities also pay agencies to carry out face to face fundraising, with many of them taking commission for their role.

You also donate to PETA, an organisation that has been riddled with scandal, an organisation that kills thousands of healthy and rehomable dogs and cats each year, an organisation that has had staff members arrested and found guilty of animal cruelty. They kill on average of 80% of all cats and dogs they bring in!

I will stick to giving Sport Relief a few quid to stop children dying.
I love sports releif! I like helping out as much as I can :) From giving money to doing the run :p
You also donate to PETA, an organisation that has been riddled with scandal, an organisation that kills thousands of healthy and rehomable dogs and cats each year, an organisation that has had staff members arrested and found guilty of animal cruelty. They kill on average of 80% of all cats and dogs they bring in!

I will stick to giving Sport Relief a few quid to stop children dying.

not so for PETA UK

They are a good group.
Since posting the original topic I have read with interest all of the replies, some agree some disagree which of course I would expect, but no one has, as yet, suggested an alternative solution to the one that I posed.
Disagree by all means but in disagreeing pose an alternative to support you disagreement and by so doing be constructive.
Maybe there isn't a workable alternative and as such persuaded NOT FORCED sterilisation is the answer, I can't think of any other one !!

Why not let nature look after the problem.

The problem with 'Mother Nature' is that 'her' way of population control is far more horrific than anything that we mere humans could dream up. (It's another reason why I am Atheist).
We interfered with 'Mother Natures' way in the first place, so we should't let 'her' sort our incompetent mess out. 'Her' way would be the most horrific method of mass annihilation which would make the Nazi's look like do gooders. Mother Nature shows no mercy or pity for the weak and vulnerable. We created the problem , we should address its solution in as humane away as is possible.
Perpetuating the problem adinfinitum is not an acceptable solution.
Since posting the original topic I have read with interest all of the replies, some agree some disagree which of course I would expect, but no one has, as yet, suggested an alternative solution to the one that I posed.
Disagree by all means but in disagreeing pose an alternative to support you disagreement and by so doing be constructive.
Maybe there isn't a workable alternative and as such persuaded NOT FORCED sterilisation is the answer, I can't think of any other one !!

Why not let nature look after the problem.

The problem with 'Mother Nature' is that 'her' way of population control is far more horrific than anything that we mere humans could dream up. (It's another reason why I am Atheist).
We interfered with 'Mother Natures' way in the first place, so we should't let 'her' sort our incompetent mess out. 'Her' way would be the most horrific method of mass annihilation which would make the Nazi's look like do gooders. Mother Nature shows no mercy or pity for the weak and vulnerable. We created the problem , we should address its solution in as humane away as is possible.
Perpetuating the problem adinfinitum is not an acceptable solution.

You have a thing about population control. It's got nothing to do with the size of the population or that people have a few kids, it's all about corrupt governments, war, money and the weather.

sick puppy
How did we create the problem?

Live aid - Band Aid, saving a lot of people who then breed like rabbits and hence the problem is now 10 times worse than it was 20 years ago and 10 times as many desperate children suffer as a consequence.
Simple really, We did not address the cause just the effect.

You have a thing about population control. It's got nothing to do with the size of the population or that people have a few kids, it's all about corrupt governments, war, money and the weather.

sick puppy[/quote]

Sorry peaps, you seem to have missed the point. It has everything to do with the population size and that is why the problem is as big as it is, and 10 times bigger then it was 20 years ago before we interfered.
Admittedly Corrupt Governments and corrupt people and war has a lot to do with it but if the population size was under control then the suffering would be proportionately less.
Please offer an alternative solution to the problem as opposed to silly criticism such name calling.
No one including you has yet tendered a viable alternative to what I have suggested. If you have nothing to add to the discussion then don't enter into it.
You have a thing about population control. It's got nothing to do with the size of the population or that people have a few kids, it's all about corrupt governments, war, money and the weather.

sick puppy

Sorry peaps, you seem to have missed the point. It has everything to do with the population size and that is why the problem is as big as it is, and 10 times bigger then it was 20 years ago before we interfered.
Admittedly Corrupt Governments and corrupt people and war has a lot to do with it but if the population size was under control then the suffering would be proportionately less.
Please offer an alternative solution to the problem as opposed to silly criticism such name calling.
No one including you has yet tendered a viable alternative to what I have suggested. If you have nothing to add to the discussion then don't enter into it.

The USA have a 1 in 4 stat of people going without food from day to day, do we sterilise the population of USA?
You have a thing about population control. It's got nothing to do with the size of the population or that people have a few kids, it's all about corrupt governments, war, money and the weather.

sick puppy

Sorry peaps, you seem to have missed the point. It has everything to do with the population size and that is why the problem is as big as it is, and 10 times bigger then it was 20 years ago before we interfered.
Admittedly Corrupt Governments and corrupt people and war has a lot to do with it but if the population size was under control then the suffering would be proportionately less.
Please offer an alternative solution to the problem as opposed to silly criticism such name calling.
No one including you has yet tendered a viable alternative to what I have suggested. If you have nothing to add to the discussion then don't enter into it.

The USA have a 1 in 4 stat of people going without food from day to day, do we sterilise the population of USA?

No we don't, but neither do we sent £M's over there in aid.
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