Commons Statement on Hillsborough

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3 different film crews were filming that day, the BBC, South yorkshire police and Sheffield wednesday, as well as countless photographers. The taylor report studied 71 hours of film footage and thousands of photo's. If there was any evidence of crowd trouble the media would have been on it like a flash and it would have been plastered in all the papers.

But quess what, not a single frame of film footage or a single bit of photographic evidence showed any sign of misbehaviour from liverpool fans.

Crowd trouble, misbehaviour?

People push in crowds, it's normal, and happens at every large event I have ever been to or seen.

It's normal behaviour, but that doesn't mean it's OK.

Thats the facts, and trolls like you still won't accept it.

It is physically impossible to have a crush, if people at the back are not "pushing" (not necessarily with much force).

But of course, you must live in some funky non troll world, where the airspace in between people can compress and cause a crush.

Go back to page 31 on this tread, read the document that i put up and come back and tell me the stand wasn't overcrowded. If you had another braincell it would keep the other one company.
I think the design of the ground is what killed the fans.

I also think that the people in charge of the crowd could have prevented deaths occurring if the people that mattered had 20/20 hindsight.

However, a crowd of fans turning up to watch an event will try and enter the stands to watch that match, and the people in charge of the crowds new this.

The things that were learned from Hillsborough have made crowd control a great deal better over the years. At Twickenham earlier on this year the crowd control measures there, both entering and leaving the ground were excellent.

By the way Aron Surly people being crushed to death in crowds is nothing new and that it is widely recognised that poor crowd control is the main contributing factor.
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Just out of curiosity- does anyone know the breakdown of the unfortunate people who died that day- and where they were from ?.
This is a serious question

There you go- No answer - as usual. You have 'selective viewing syndrome'.

Strange though- how it is just a certain 'clan' who always do ALL the bleating, complaining, whining etc. .
Just what Boris the terrible said all those years ago.
I am actually pro-police in many of my posts.

However, in this instance the police got a lot of things wrong, especially when the things started to get messy.

When the realization hit home many just looked shocked.
Just out of curiosity- does anyone know the breakdown of the unfortunate people who died that day- and where they were from ?.
This is a serious question

There you go- No answer - as usual. You have 'selective viewing syndrome'.

Strange though- how it is just a certain 'clan' who always do ALL the bleating, complaining, whining etc. .
Just what Boris the terrible said all those years ago.

Lots of the fans where not from Liverppol........if thats what you are trying to say?
I am actually pro-police in many of my posts.

However, in this instance the police got a lot of things wrong, especially when the things started to get messy.

When the realization hit home many just looked shocked.
The ordinary bobbies were crying out for leadership, they got none. Those senior police responcible for crowd safety cocked up big time, instead of putting their hands up and admitting they made mistakes, they promptly went into cover up mode. They went straight to the media and blamed the fans, and those bobbies that looked shocked later let their statments be doctored. Were they put under pressure to do this? They must have been, I'm pro police when they earn my respect, but what they did during and after this disaster is sickening.
The fans want compensation - the coppers did very well out of it. They want their share.
For those who have not seen it. The truth about Hillsborough.

And Hillsborough by Jimmy mcgovern[/QUOTE]
Play another tune Billyla. Come out with something new and refreshing- and not the usual morbid stuff
and how come everyone in Liverpool likes a poet ? Especially a poet who dwells on Liverpool tragedies. Roger mcduff (what has he ever done ? ). ken dodd and his diddle men.
That goofy guy who was /is paul mcfartneys bro (another nobody).
That obnoxious leader of the council(or whatver he was who now lives in spain or wherever Del boy hatton.
The place is full of them - .
That is why most people in Uk treat what Liverpool people say with a pinch of salt .
Gerry Marsden -- (I could tell you a few tales about him). Loves Liverpool but chooses to live out of the city.

Look you scousers- you all have to learn to move on and not dwell on tragedy and Morbidity.
And- for you non scousers who just like the way the scousers sound- try living with them for a few weeks and see what they really are like .

FFs why dont they just let things go ?. Why do they want to see some decent people (Police officers) locked up and see the police officers children without a dad for a few years ?.

Tell you what - hows about someone who has actually lost a immediate member of their family- saying a few words on this subject ??.

No chance at all- because all they really want to do is to be allowed to move on -but- YOU wont let them. You are pressurising them .

Get a job and occupy your minds - like other people do.
The fans want compensation - the coppers did very well out of it. They want their share.

Yeh Joe- a good slice of compensation beats getting up in a morning and going out to work every day .
It's cultural- what was that Dire straits record ??.
The Hillsborough tragedy has been brought into the public domain once more not by Liverpudlians but by a recent report.

If you think that the Hillsborough tragedy is solely mourned by and saddens only the people of Liverpool, then you are mistaken.

Some good has come of the tragedy in that lessons have been learned. The whole country benefits from these lessons.
I did read the link to the amount of compensation families got, compared to the compensation some policemen received for the tragedy. I can't believe the authorities put such a low price on human life, and such a high price on policemen's mental health. I do feel compensation, in line with what the police received , should have been offered to the families, at the time. Further compensation for the families should now be offered, at least to bring them in line with that received by the police.
The Hillsborough tragedy has been brought into the public domain once more not by Liverpudlians but by a recent report.

If you think that the Hillsborough tragedy is solely mourned by and saddens only the people of Liverpool, then you are mistaken.

Some good has come of the tragedy in that lessons have been learned. The whole country benefits from these lessons.

Very true- but the people of liverpool have been laying in their lairs for many years- moaning, whinging, complaining and PLANNING- waiting for/this moment ready to pounce - salivating and now their cage door is opened- will never ever let this moment of opportunity go.
Mark my words.
This saga will go on for many years and cost the public purse many millions of ££s.
Its cultural- on a regional basis.

Just let it go and let the bereaved people move on.
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