What is it with this site?

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
I post on a few other forums and you do see the odd troll pop up from time to time but having recently joined this one, I'm amazed at the amount of bickering that goes on between even long-standing members plus there are those that just appear to be downright pig-headed and rude to those asking questions that are deemed too stupid to be asked.

Only the other day I posted a joke only to have one rude bastard reply with a yawn and telling me it was boring plus another hair-splitting, pedantic, humourless poster pick up on a point in the joke about the funding of the Monarchy which completely took the post off-topic!

FFS, why do these people bother replying and spoiling others posts? Do they just love to see their own words on the screen and do they get some form of self-gratification and a warm feeling of superiority by doing it? Start your own posts, don't spoil others!

Apart from that, I've learned a few things about plumbing/building/electrics and hopefully I've helped a few members with car related questions which is what forums like this are all about, isn't it?
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Funnily enough, you're the rude bastard that posted this: Yaaaaaaawn! Boring. So what 'camp' are you in then?
I would be referred to as a RWR, or a Daily Mail reader just because I'm glad we voted Brrxit. The fact I don't read the DM, or that some DM readers voted to stay shackled to the PanEuropean nightmare shows the mentality of a certain few (used to be 3, but possibly 2 now ).
Ah well, I voted out too so at least we have one thing in common.
its a great site - I'd be lost without it as I DIY everything apart from gas safe and some electrics..... there should be a sub to pay for joining. Busy forums always have long standing members with huge post count.... probably the type of responses they sometimes give wouldnt have been given in their early days. IMO a kind of jaundice sets in after a while perhaps akin to a shop assistant who started off smiling with each customer and 5 yrs later cant be bothered;)
I post on a few other forums and you do see the odd troll pop up from time to time but having recently joined this one, I'm amazed at the amount of bickering that goes on between even long-standing members plus there are those that just appear to be downright pig-headed and rude to those asking questions that are deemed too stupid to be asked.

Only the other day I posted a joke only to have one rude bastard reply with a yawn and telling me it was boring plus another hair-splitting, pedantic, humourless poster pick up on a point in the joke about the funding of the Monarchy
That probably would not have happened had your joke been about Nelson Mandela.

which completely took the post off-topic!
What was the topic of your joke?
There is a jokes section. You posted in General Discussion.
Do you walk into a pub, tell a joke, and expect no conversation for the rest of the evening?

FFS, why do these people bother replying and spoiling others posts?
How did it spoil your joke? What did you expect to happen?

Do they just love to see their own words on the screen and do they get some form of self-gratification and a warm feeling of superiority by doing it? Start your own posts, don't spoil others!

Apart from that, I've learned a few things about plumbing/building/electrics and hopefully I've helped a few members with car related questions which is what forums like this are all about, isn't it?
There you go, then. All's well.
There are certain posters that have a strange attitude, but the mods love them so the best way is to adopt "The first rule of DiyNot......don't engage with them " RWR ? right wing radicals.:unsure:
- What's black and goes up+down Nelson's column ? A. it's not a steeplejack;)
You deffo need a thick skin here.

You think your thread was bad? That was a good thread - just you wait until a chap called Himmagin or wannabeDIY or whatever he's known as this week (he gets banned a fair bit) comes along and put's his oar in. Then you'll think the rest are sane human beings!

Anyway don't let it put you off - it can be a laugh, very much so - you just have to lean towards those who are more like you and as Nigel F says, ignore those who aren't. Or just argue with them if the mood takes you! For all said and done with the insults, the folk (apart from Himmagin) can take it on the chin as well as dish it out.

Topics to avoid if you don't wish to read lots of insults and long-winded rubbish - Brexit, Trump and immigration. :)
What was the topic of your joke?

It was a joke about the Royal family that turned into a full blown discussion on funding, the civil list, William the Conquerer, the sea bed, wind farms, tax on electricity, land grabbing going back a thousand years or more.....

There is a jokes section. You posted in General Discussion.

Which you clearly haven't read. I'll save you the bother and cut and paste the first sentence from post #1 in the jokes section for you.

"Please post any new jokes in the General Discussion forum. Once they have dropped off the first page on General Discussion, they will be moved here."
It was a joke about the Royal family that turned into a full blown discussion on funding, the civil list, William the Conquerer, the sea bed, wind farms, tax on electricity, land grabbing going back a thousand years or more.....
More precisely - it was a joke about the Royal Family funding or benefits.
Therefore the discussion was not off-topic.

Which you clearly haven't read. I'll save you the bother and cut and paste the first sentence from post #1 in the jokes section for you.
I have not.

"Please post any new jokes in the General Discussion forum. Once they have dropped off the first page on General Discussion, they will be moved here."
I did not know that. Apologies.

Not accurate, though, is it?

I am still puzzled by your ire.
What replies did you expect?
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