Trumpton says we'll have to obey their rules...

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
..if we have a trade treaty with them. So if they want to export chlorinated chicken, we can't have a tariff or non-tariff barrier against it. Nor growth-hormone treated beef or dairy products, nor genetically mutated tomatoes or eight-legged turkeys.

Trump doesn't like group treaties, because individual countries are easier to bully.

So we're leaving a group where we followed rules we had a major part in framing, and starting to obey rules set by a foreign country with no input from us.

Take back control, eh?

Remember what I said about US approach to international negotiations? "We fax them our terms and tell them to sign."
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If we banned GMO outright, for example, like Russia has, how would the US demand we buy it from them?
So we're leaving a group where we followed rules we had a major part in framing, and starting to obey rules set by a foreign country with no input from us.

Also this is wrong. Farage went to Brussels all the time and he realised early on that all the nitty gritty important stuff was decided behind closed doors. We had no say in any of it, hence why we've left the EU.
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decided behind closed doors

you believe the fantasy that instead of being discussed and agreed by people from the 28 member nations of the EU, some alien monster does it all?
The point being made, and it’s not news, is that it’s easy for two to agree a deal rather than 29.

Have negotiated consortium deals, i tend to agree.
you believe the fantasy that instead of being discussed and agreed by people from the 28 member nations of the EU, some alien monster does it all?

Pieces of legislation are passed through the chamber without anyone having the chance to read, analyse or object to any of it.. this is not a democratic process it's a farce.
so you think that the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament, and the Committees, are all staffed by robots controlled from outer space?

In essence the US chlorinates their chickens because they are reared in such appalling conditions the only way to even make them safe for consumption is through chlorination. In the EU because the treatment of livestock is better the chickens do not need to be chlorinated thus its banned in the EU.

But regulations are bad - so lets have chlorinated chickens.
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