EU divorce bill agreed

listen up way r beeeee

at a guess I would say u make a fair point :rolleyes: ?? ;):)

incidentally M&S have 75% of suit cases this month ( or so they say ?)
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The BBC did not say "The EU Negotiating Team have been instructed to demand E90bn." Perhaps they said "A British newspaper has speculated that maybe...."

The EU ToRs are not secret. They've had to be agreed by the 27. You can look up their position papers if you want to know (you don't)

Unlike the confused UK objectives, which have still not been agreed, never mind documented, and are so embarrassingly sketchy that the UK govt is ashamed to divulge them. What has the idiot Davies been doing all this time?

Who stated the EU negotiating team have been instructed to demand £90bn?
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You are so confused you are chasing your own tails.
Hopefully someone will nail your other foot to the floor to stop you going round in circles. :rolleyes:

A lame answer and a failed attempt at a joke.........Yup, you fail!
Wallabe cant answer the question, who in this thread actually said:

The EU negotiating team gave been instructed to demand £90B?
You are right. I Dunno! Giss a clue. Let me guess? Judith?

My turn!
I spy with my little eye............. :rolleyes:
Who in this thread actually said: the moon was not made of cheese?
You are right. I Dunno! Giss a clue. Let me guess? Judith?

My turn!
I spy with my little eye............. :rolleyes:
Who in this thread actually said: the moon was not made of cheese?

Thats right you dont know, it was JohnD telling lies again.

Who in this thread actually said: the moon was not made of cheese?

Have you been reading your Dr Seuss books again?
What JohnD actually SAID was:
The BBC did not say "The EU Negotiating Team have been instructed to demand E90bn."

Observe the word "not"

Which is perfectly true.

Unlike notch's and transam's nonsense.
What JohnD actually SAID was:

Observe the word "not"

Which is perfectly true.

Unlike notch's and transam's nonsense.

How awfully clever of you, its now out of context.......thats a surprise from the forums resident ranter that spends his whole time twisting what has been posted, taking it out of context or forming one fallacious argument after another.
What JohnD actually SAID was:

Observe the word "not"

Which is perfectly true.

Unlike notch's and transam's nonsense.

And now explain why you wrote, the BBC did not.......

Oh, yes thats right, you were inferring that a poster here said that.....Gosh how clever you must think you are
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