It's beginning to look a lot like......not the Brexit you hoped for....

2 Feb 2006
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United Kingdom
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you could make it up .

Who cares any way apart from the anti democratic remoaners , scouring the net for there BS propaganda ;)
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Not the quitters.

They're happy to see Britain damaged.

They didn't care before the vote, and they don't care now.

Why dont you emphasise your post with the red bus you so love, I dont beleve we've seen it often enough.
The EU will fall apart its just a question of when.

All them un-elected . ageing old duffers who run the EU are on the way out.

The remoaners would like to see the UK turn into a giant refugee camp , whilst they sit behind there lace curtains in there quaint
comfortable house , with there private pension funded life style , & do zilch apart from post there BS on social media :LOL:
"According to a new poll by YouGov, just over 60% of Brexit supporters believe that “significant damage” to the UK economy is a “price worth paying for bringing Britain out of the EU.” What’s more, a slightly larger group of “Leave” voters also say that it’s worth losing their jobs, or a family member losing their job, for the sake of Brexit."


the brexiteers are predominantly retired, so they don't have any concerns about people losing jobs, because they have no concern for their fellow-citizens.

The aging, isolationist old duffers who support leave are dimly aware that they are doomed to shuffle off, leaving the country in the hands of younger pro-Europeans looking for a lifetime of employment and prosperity for them and their children.

:rolleyes: polls & more polls :LOL:

Start a campaign to ban any one say ?? over 50 from voting :LOL: even lower for all I care
Have another Brexit vote for all I care :)

Let the majority of MP's who were remainers , to man up ,act like they got a pair & vote the brexit bill down for all I care

(they won't)
"Older Leave voters are significantly more willing than their younger counterparts to see the country, themselves and their families be economically compromised in order to achieve Brexit. Whereas 46% of 18-24 year old Leave voters say significant damage to the economy is a price worth paying for Brexit, this figure increases with every subsequent age group to 71% of 65+ year old Leave voters.

Likewise, when the cost of Brexit would be themselves or members of their family losing their job, the proportion willing to pay that price rose each age group from 25% of 18-24 year old Leave voters to 50% of 65+ year old Leave voters."
18 to 24 year olds ?? students ?? the snow flake generation ? the want some thing for nothing generation ? :)

Perhaps Corbyn should man up & state that he really wants to stay in the EU ;) and act accordingly

Spain in trouble (catalonia)

Merkels coalition gone t*ts up due her stupidity with migration , which increased the right wing vote who she cannot go into coalition with

Poland , right wing government

Hungary ditto

Macrons honey moon period is over ;)

EU chaos ahead
the brexiteers are predominantly retired

Is that an actual fact?

It's just that according to ONS, only 18% of UK population (65,648,054) is over 65.... that's just shy of 12m (11,816,649).

Electoral Commission says 94% of over 65's are registered to vote... that's just over 11m (11,107,650)

Ipsos MORI puts the over 65 turn out at 80%... that's nearly 9m (8,886,120)

YouGov puts the over 65 Remain/Leave split at 36/64.... that's 5,687,116 voting leave.

Total leave vote was 17,410,742.... so by my maths the 'over 65s' make up about 32% of the total leave vote.

So unless 'predominantly' now means "less than a third"... that's just not true :)
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