Well a sentence or so contained within my original post about Robinson pushing against the ever increasing Islamification of this country, and the west in general, was deleted by a shadowy faceless mod, and no record was left of their edit of my post. It's not as though the original post can't be found either, because once the post is online that's it, the original format can be found with various tools, despite best efforts.
This censoring is the same sort of thing that goes on in the mainstream press, quite ironic really, and need I say more than this ? The free press does not exist in this country, it was brought under state control a long time ago.Subsequently, the free press has found a home online , but Robinson, and others like him, suffer constant harassment from the state and it's partisans. The state wants, but is losing, control of the narrative - what news people get to hear and read.
A few points to counter yours :
Robinson was not in contempt of court. He did not reveal details of the case which had been banned from publication. He reported on facts which were already available within the public realm.
I agree with freedom of speech and his right as a journalist to report on Muslim/migrant rape gangs. He was outside a court, let's not forget, not inside it. He was not restricting access to the court or using a megaphone to try and communicate with anyone inside.
I don't see any issue with Robinson providing names of muslim/migrant rapists. White British have a right to know what is going on in their country and any attempt to stifle this from happening is an attack on the white British population - ever diminishing.