
Nate Silver website 538 provides some great polling data but you have to understand probability distribution to fully understand what his data is saying.

The only ones talking about a landslide are not giving the full picture.
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You'll notice, I didn't say they had. I said MSM. That's a broad range of newscasters. Not one or another in particular.

Sammy the buffoon trawls his favourite propaganda sites.

I told you exactly what I did to find the results I gave. Ironically you say propaganda as if you want the GOP to come out on top.

I've just googled the term 'midterm' and most headlines suggest a Dem landslide.

The trouble is with you and Yafo is you presume the outcome is of any real interest to me, just for sale of one upmanship. It isn't. I'm just curious to what the outcome will be and how the media are presenting it.

You slag myself and others off for simply saying what I've seen or how I perceive it just to feel good about yourself but in reality you're not providing anything of interest, no commentary worth reading, no educated opinion. Just copypasta oh look at me I've scored a point rubbish.

Almost any and every thread JohnD, Elall and Yafo post in, descends into a **** show. It's boring. Absolutely no civility between you.
You'll notice, I didn't say they had. I said MSM. That's a broad range of newscasters. Not one or another in particular.

I told you exactly what I did to find the results I gave. Ironically you say propaganda as if you want the GOP to come out on top.

The trouble is with you and Yafo is you presume the outcome is of any real interest to me, just for sale of one upmanship. It isn't. I'm just curious to what the outcome will be and how the media are presenting it.

You slag myself and others off for simply saying what I've seen or how I perceive it just to feel good about yourself but in reality you're not providing anything of interest, no commentary worth reading, no educated opinion. Just copypasta oh look at me I've scored a point rubbish.

Almost any and every thread JohnD, Elall and Yafo post in, descends into a **** show. It's boring. Absolutely no civility between you.


Simply contesting your point of view that is unsubstantiated. By showing links, including from the sites you mentioned.

No lack of civility anywhere that I saw. Until you just responded like that!
CNN, WP and NYT are even more biased in favour of Dems.

Just have a look for yourself you daft ****, no one's stopping you.

I think you mentioned CNN.

was that a civil comment you made too?
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I think you mentioned CNN.

was that a civil comment you made too?

In reply to JDs post, yes I mentioned CNN.

Absolutely not, but I do think JD is a daft ****.


Simply contesting your point of view that is unsubstantiated. By showing links, including from the sites you mentioned.

As I said. I googled, I saw, I perceived. If that's not the case, that's fine, as I've also mentioned I'm not particularly bothered how the midterms finish up. It was a question of curiosity on how others perceived it based on the news postings.

For reference, the definition of perception:

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This was your claim.

So just looking at various headlines and the MSM in the states are doing now exactly what they did on the run up to the election and predicted an absolute landslide victory for the Democrats.

You provided no evidence to support it.

The evidence researched and provided by others showed the reverse of your claim.

This was your claim.

You provided no evidence to support it.

The evidence researched and provided by others showed the reverse of your claim.


That's it John, continue your circular argument that I've already addressed just to try and point score.


As I said. I googled, I saw, I perceived. If that's not the case, that's fine, as I've also mentioned I'm not particularly bothered how the midterms finish up. It was a question of curiosity on how others perceived it based on the news postings.

For reference, the definition of perception:

You provided no evidence to support it.

The evidence researched and provided by others showed the reverse of your claim.


And you're foul-mouthed, abusive and angry when the weakness of your unsubstantiated claim is pointed out.

Try to do better next time.
So just looking at various headlines and the MSM in the states are doing now exactly what they did on the run up to the election and predicted an absolute landslide victory for the Democrats.

is that what you think he meant?

An article in a UK newspaper's website quoting a US politician?

You provided no evidence to support it.

And he didn't provide it.
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