Msinformed gullible brexiteers

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31 Aug 2005
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United Kingdom
I would appreciate some of you here, constantly referring to people who voted leave as some of the above and more in such a derogatory way, no i dont melt at 1 degree C before you ask.

lets flip this, we aren't in the EU and Cameron says 'lets join the EU' and the majority vote to join, of them, how many people tomorrow who wanted to join the EU would know and vote for it would be able to give intimate detailed justification and insight ( only gained from years of first being in the EU? ) It would be high level, like the obvious free movement less red tape etc blah blah

The vote wouldn't of been thrown back with a response from MP's 'no you didn't give the exact criteria how to join, lets have another vote' We would be expecting them the MPs to onboard us we are the passengers.

Get this i reckon alot of remainers voted remain.. because, they just wanted to remain in? Not 'no you haven't given specifics why therefore you are ill guided and misinformed, lets vote again'

And that is the crux of this whole farce, not wanting to pidgeon hole alot of remain voters, but why are you saying 'lets put it to another vote you weren't clear about what you wanted'

We, people who voted leave, wanted to leave the EU, you, remain voters wanted to remain.
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That's an interesting point.

Let's suppose there were four possible groups. We could choose to join the Russian one, the Chinese one, the European one or the African one.

Let's suppose the referendum said "Do you want to join a group?" and did not mention the options.
And the majority said "Yes"

Would it be OK for the Prime Minister to say "we're joining the Chinese one and you have no say in it"
No you're moving the goalposts, stick to the original question. The vote was on the EU only the preference and interested generated by the population caused and instigated the EU vote. Stick to the point please.
In that case your attempted diversion is invalid.

Which of the four Brexit options did you think you were voting for?

Which one did Theresa threaten us with?

Which one did she later choose?

Which one us she now floating as a possibility?

Which is the one the Leavers have agreed among themselves is their preferred option?

Which is the one the Leave campaigners put in their manifesto before the referendum?
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John your response is invalid be honest with yourself. Not wasting time on you there was one question on the ballot, and two answers. Next.
Come on, Festive. Have a try. Can't you answer even one of the points?

In that case your attempted diversion is invalid.

Which of the four Brexit options did you think you were voting for?

Which one did Theresa threaten us with?

Which one did she later choose?

Which one us she now floating as a possibility?

Which is the one the Leavers have agreed among themselves is their preferred option?

Which is the one the Leave campaigners put in their manifesto before the referendum?
There you go, shoes on the other foot, same old peddled nonsense, not got an answer??? Quel surprise ;)
Festive can't answer a single question.

He doesn't even know which of the four options he thought he was voting for.
I would appreciate some of you here, constantly referring to people who voted leave as some of the above and more in such a derogatory way, no i dont melt at 1 degree C before you ask.

lets flip this, we aren't in the EU and Cameron says 'lets join the EU' and the majority vote to join, of them, how many people tomorrow who wanted to join the EU would know and vote for it would be able to give intimate detailed justification and insight ( only gained from years of first being in the EU? ) It would be high level, like the obvious free movement less red tape etc blah blah

The vote wouldn't of been thrown back with a response from MP's 'no you didn't give the exact criteria how to join, lets have another vote' We would be expecting them the MPs to onboard us we are the passengers.

Get this i reckon alot of remainers voted remain.. because, they just wanted to remain in? Not 'no you haven't given specifics why therefore you are ill guided and misinformed, lets vote again'

And that is the crux of this whole farce, not wanting to pidgeon hole alot of remain voters, but why are you saying 'lets put it to another vote you weren't clear about what you wanted'

We, people who voted leave, wanted to leave the EU, you, remain voters wanted to remain.

Not wanting to pigeon hole leavers, why do they think a second referendum is not democratic?

If you voted leave the first time, you are at liberty to vote leave a second time.

Or are leavers worried that many like minded voters will have changed their minds and will vote remain.

A second referendum is equally at risk of going the 'wrong way' for both remainers and leavers. There is a risk that remainers that are campaigning for a second ref could end up with a greater win for leave than the first time in 2016.
lets flip this, we aren't in the EU and Cameron says 'lets join the EU' and the majority vote to join,

No you're moving the goalposts, stick to the original question. The vote was on the EU only the preference and interested generated by the population caused and instigated the EU vote. Stick to the point please.
OK, let's be pragmatic.
The question is to join or not to join. That is the question. (Sorry Will!)

So 'Join' wins the referendum, and Cameron then thinks, "hmm, full membership, Norway option, Customs Union, Canada ++, Canada +, EFTA, join the Euro, in Schengen or not, or Free Trade Agreement? Which one shall I choose?
The 'Join' option did not determine which option Cameron should pursue so he is at liberty to decide which option he prefers.
Now suppose his party were in disarray over which option to choose, and he appeared to put party unity before the benefit of the country?
Also, he did not have an overall majority, so he needed the support of another party, perhaps, an extremist party, (as considered by some) let's say Sinn Fein. He bought their allegiance with a promise of an awful lot of money.

Then, to cap it all, he wasted the 'qualifying period' (when a joining member legislates to fall into line with EU legislation) in arguing what type of membership we should pursue, to the extent that the qualifying period expires. But during that process far more information has been published about the various options.
Now the electorate are far more informed, they want another referendum! Maybe this time specifying what sort of membership they want. What is wrong with that?

Of course, we haven't thrown the illegal shenanigans into the mix. All of which becomes common knowledge after the referendum. That would just confuse the issue, maybe even make the referendum a nonsense based on lies, etc.
We'll also ignore the wider-reaching consequences, BOTs, various regions voting differently, EU workers in UK (and vice-versa)
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We, people who voted leave, wanted to leave the EU
You need to pin this to the Parliament questions board. Doubt you will get a straight answer though.

Leavers were misinformed and conned from the outset. Remainers already are aware of the imperfect. Bad luck Leavers I say.
Not wanting to pigeon hole leavers, why do they think a second referendum is not democratic?

If you voted leave the first time, you are at liberty to vote leave a second time.

Or are leavers worried that many like minded voters will have changed their minds and will vote remain.

A second referendum is equally at risk of going the 'wrong way' for both remainers and leavers. There is a risk that remainers that are campaigning for a second ref could end up with a greater win for leave than the first time in 2016.

You're making it up right? Why are we at liberty oh that's because you lost. Stick to the point above you can't because you know where i'm coming from. Worried we are going to lose, oh you got me! That's like losing in a fight and asking for a rematch because you lost saying 'why not you scared im going to beat you?' Its neanderthal mind games. Seems you guys are simpletons just like us leaver fickos :LOL:
Quitters seem to be getting the jitters over the direction that the political ruling system they wanted to 'get back' appears to be going :LOL:
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