The advantages of a Buffoon in Downing Street

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
The next temporary occupant will be chosen by 0.27% of the nations population, largely retired white men who are anti-Europeans. Whoever they choose will have promised to take Britain out of the EU, and to return to the negotiating table to compel them to offer better terms.

He or she will then return, having failed to do so, and will blame the perfidious foreigners for sneakily doing what they have always said they would, and sticking to their word. He or she will find it difficult to admit that the smaller, weaker party to negotiations will always find it difficult to bully their partner to their will, especially if they cast aside any co-operative approach and instead choose to behave combatively and aggressively, treating their partner with contempt, lies and abuse.

The new PM will then consider if they can get Parliament to agree to a no-deal catastrophe (they can't). They will consider if there is any point in asking for a further extension in which no progress will be made (there isn't). They will consider if the Brexers will ever agree to anything (they won't). They will consider if a soft Brexit is as good as our current membership deal (it isn't).

They will then tell the country that the Free Unicorns offered by Brexer campaigners do not exist, and that it is impossible to fulfill the promises previously made, and that the best, and necessary option is to withdraw A50 and give the matter some serious thought in the coming years while we attempt to win back a touch of respect and influence in the world.

So we need a politician who can shamelessly lie, and reverse his position as often as he finds convenient. A politician who will swear today that black is white, and tomorrow that white is black, and on the third day will deny having said anything of the kind. Who will make empty promises and always say that nothing is his fault, and in his own mind will believe it.

Who is best suited to the role?

I give you...

Boris Johnson.
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So, we're about to get a new PM, someone the cons will choose. We need someone who can get us out of the mess we're in, someone who will cut the ground from under the Brexers' feet and cancel the whole shotstirm, someone Hatejob admires. any suggestions?

I give you...

Boris Johnson.
The next temporary occupant will be chosen by 0.27% of the nations population, largely retired white men who are anti-Europeans. Whoever they choose will have promised to take Britain out of the EU, and to return to the negotiating table to compel them to offer better terms.

He or she will then return, having failed to do so, and will blame the perfidious foreigners for sneakily doing what they have always said they would, and sticking to their word. He or she will find it difficult to admit that the smaller, weaker party to negotiations will always find it difficult to bully their partner to their will, especially if they cast aside any co-operative approach and instead choose to behave combatively and aggressively, treating their partner with contempt, lies and abuse.

The new PM will then consider if they can get Parliament to agree to a no-deal catastrophe (they can't). They will consider if there is any point in asking for a further extension in which no progress will be made (there isn't). They will consider if the Brexers will ever agree to anything (they won't). They will consider if a soft Brexit is as good as our current membership deal (it isn't).

They will then tell the country that the Free Unicorns offered by Brexer campaigners do not exist, and that it is impossible to fulfill the promises previously made, and that the best, and necessary option is to withdraw A50 and give the matter some serious thought in the coming years while we attempt to win back a touch of respect and influence in the world.

So we need a politician who can shamelessly lie, and reverse his position as often as he finds convenient. A politician who will swear today that black is white, and tomorrow that white is black, and on the third day will deny having said anything of the kind. Who will make empty promises and always say that nothing is his fault, and in his own mind will believe it.

Who is best suited to the role?

I give you...

Boris Johnson.
Compared to the rest of the competition Boris looks like a statesman.
...So we need a politician who can shamelessly lie, and reverse his position as often as he finds convenient. A politician who will swear today that black is white, and tomorrow that white is black, and on the third day will deny having said anything of the kind. Who will make empty promises and always say that nothing is his fault, and in his own mind will believe it....

Looks like the plan is working.
The next GE isn't planned for June.

The next PM needs to be someone the Tory Brextremists will enthusiastically support, even as he tricks them and pushes them over a cliff.

Boris is ideal for that job.
You can always rely on Boris

To let you down.

His supporters have seen his record, but they still worship him.

Afterwards, they will have nothing to complain about (but they will)

And no-one to blame but themselves (but they won't)

They will ignore all warnings.
the one who dumps A50 so we can get the Omnishambles out of the way and move into the 21st Century. If it isn't Buffoon, the Brextremists will say they were betrayed by the citizens of the nation.

Obviously Buffoon is completely useless for all other purposes, so he can be dumped afterwards.

Then we can have the GE, and the new government can start governing the country constructively instead.

The Tories are insistent that there mustn't be a GE now, because Labour would win; and there mustn't be another referendum now, because Remain would win.

That's their reason. The candidates keep saying it, in guarded terms, to warn their own members and voters.
EU will probably kick us out come October :eek:

Blimey what's the world come to ? Dictated to and kicked out by a bunch of pesky foreigners :eek:
Time to make a stand against these foreigners

Transam will no longer .purchase French fries

Tis chips or I will go with out ;)
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