I hope you die. Slowly and painfully.

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27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
^^^^ That. To the c unts that stole my 82 year old mums iPad when she was in hospital yesterday. Taken from her carrier bag of medication when she went to the loo while waiting to go home. Can’t be 100% sure who took it but she said that the foreign couple that were sitting opposite to her weren’t there when she returned and she only noticed it missing when she got home. Wouldn’t it be ironic if they were the thieves and were getting free treatment from a country they weren’t born in. Still, once a parasite, always a parasite I suppose. Anyway, I’ve set it up to wipe itself the minute it connects to the internet so the thieves won’t profit from their NHS 'bonus'.
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Did she have the where is my iPad app setup? Hospitals have cctv also
Yep. Find iPhone/iPad was set up on it but in activating the wipe function, find my iPad won’t work once it wipes. That can always be switched off if you can guess the password - shouldn’t be too hard, she used 1234! :rolleyes: She's had to get on to her bank to disable the banking app and I’ve had to access her Amazon, Gmail, PayPal, ebay and Facebook accounts and change the passwords. Getting CCTV from the hospital will be more trouble than it’s worth and even if we did, the police just wouldn’t be interested. Wasn’t insured either so not even worth reporting to the police. The cost of replacing it is not a concern for her but she wants another one pronto so she can order her shopping - she seems less bothered by the loss than we are!
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I was working for an 80 year old last week who was distracted in a Tesco car park by some bloke while his accomplice lifted her wallet from her bag

They did over 3 grand on her credit and debit cards

All went on bets at some book makers

She got her money back via the banks

Theives were eastern Europeans
Hey bud real sorry to hear indeed hope the cnts suffer some real unpleasant Karma.

Just a thought if there was a Google account you have google historical tracking which would give you the last location before it was powered off. Although if it was wifi only then hmm maybe not much help.

One always worth having though on your phone. Friend of mine used it to track his phone right up to the thieves door. Let's just say he has his phone back and the person in question wont be doing that again in a hurry.(y)
Hey bud real sorry to hear indeed hope the cnts suffer some real unpleasant Karma.

Just a thought if there was a Google account you have google historical tracking which would give you the last location before it was powered off. Although if it was wifi only then hmm maybe not much help.

One always worth having though on your phone. Friend of mine used it to track his phone right up to the thieves door. Let's just say he has his phone back and the person in question wont be doing that again in a hurry.(y)

Thanks. When it is turned on, I have set it to say something like 'this iPad is being tracked, please return to hospital' and my phone number but I don't really expect to hear from anyone. If the US government couldn’t hack a bombers iPhone, I doubt whether Ali on the market stall will be able to change the Apple ID. Dunno why they bother nicking them.
While I have every sympathy with what happened to your mum, I don't know how you can make assumptions like that.

How you could tell the people who left were foreign, I'm not sure. Did you ask them where they were born, or if they have a British passport or residency rights?

They may have just the same right to NHS treatment as you.

As to death, we are all dying slowly.
Oh shut up you snowflake. Ok you, just for you, I’ll change that 'foreign couple' to 'two people dressed ethnically, not white and talking in a language she didn’t understand' if that makes you feel any better. In any case, I didn't say it was them that stole it, I just commented on how ironic it would be IF they were the thieves, weren’t born in this country and entitled to free NHS treatment but we’re getting it anyway. That does happen, you know. They definitely weren’t born and bred locals.

By the way, nice avatar you have there. Good that you think an animal suffering some abuse is amusing. Incidentally, where was that picture taken, anywhere in the UK or somewhere 'foreign'?
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Amazing how some think it ok to make up accusations or conjecture purely because it fits their 'agenda'...

Which ironically of course takes away from the crime itself!

It's always been the case of course...

The Irish got a lot of the blame, and of course Liverpudlians came in for plenty of 'thieving' accusations...

All of them pathetic generalisations made by pathetic people!
Well **** me sideways, it’s been found this morning! Stuffed down the back of a seat in the Costa Coffee concession in the hospital foyer. I reckon whoever took it was trying to unlock it and log on to the free WiFi, gave up, dumped it and left.

Not impressed with the 'find my iPhone’ part of it. Maybe because I had the passcode or it was on a known WiFi connection when I took it round to her but when I entered it, my message and telephone number didn’t come up, it wiped itself but then only seemed to go back to how they are when you buy them - it was asking me to enter an Apple ID and password, not the password for the existing Apple ID, it was as if it was a fresh install. Anyway, she’s got it back now and I’ve left it round her house reinstalling all the stuff back on there. She can reset all the passwords I changed yesterday - that’ll teach her to take an iPad to hospital!
Well at least she got it back...

Maybe you ought to ask if there is any cctv footage available to check out whether your 'conjecture' is correct :)
The number of times I use the CCTV in the house to find where I left things, or to resolve the "who moved my..." argument :D
Yes, I’ve done that too in work. I once turned the workshop upside down twice looking for a locking wheel nut I’d just used to fit a wheel on with. CCTV showed it falling off the bench into the watering can we use for topping up rads and washer bottles.
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