Any hayfever sufferers?

10 Jan 2017
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United Kingdom
This year has been the worst year for me in terms of hayfever symptoms. I have had it for 10 years now and it gets progressively worse every year. Anybody else really suffering at the moment?

For the past 3 weeks I have been taking prescription-strength stuff which does little to alleviate it but has resulted in me becoming physically and mentally knackered by 3pm. By 8pm I am asleep. By 10pm and every subsequent hour after I am waking up due to the suffering. It has been so bad I was off work Monday and Tuesday this week because the lack of sleep and currently my job performance is under pressure.

Doctors are fairly uninterested and I understand it, there are people with far more needs than I.

What else do people do?
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A tea spoonful of you own wee.. Best not to do after a skin full.
I use opticrom eye drops, a pill a day and if I've been out and still suffering, I wash my face and head to get rid of the pollen. Luckily I don't suffer as much as I did as a kid.

There are two types of hayfever meds over the counter. One works, the other doesn't. Maybe it's worth looking into the one the doc gives you and trying something different? Some hayfever meds make you drowsy.
Gosh, it sounds like you are particularly suffering :(

Im sorry I dont have any answer, I only know of the prescription steriod based drugs.

My wife suffers, she has to take the meds and eye drops for quite a few months of the year, she also is allergic to dust mites and other things.

She finds sunglasses help a bit
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Get it some years, not this year so far.

Sadly I'm allergic to most antihistamines, so I have to grin and bear it. I can relate to the exhausting nature of suffering with it.

Sunglasses are a good idea, I think antihistamines can may your eyes more photosensitive.
I thought that sunglasses were more a physical barrier (stopping the pollen from getting to the eyes), than anything else.

Piriton-type medications can make you drowsy - a former colleague would literally be snoring, ten minutes after taking one! I don't like Piriton.

I developed hayfever at 18, and really suffered at first. Nowadays, I have a bit of an itchy throat and sniffle some days, but (fingers crossed) nothing debilitating.

Obviously, stay inside where possible.
Don't mow the lawn!
Wash / shower, to get the pollen off.
Wear clean clothes, and wash them regularly too.

Try out some of the different meds.
Had it all my life nothing really stops it. The last few years I have kept a diary of when it gets bad and when it eases as there are only certain pollens that effect me bad. Eating local honey probably a wives tale but I am sure has a placebo effect on me. Other things like keeping windows closed and showering before bed and changing covers more than you usually would helps. When my eyes get real bad I run under a cold tap which is nice.
Had it my whole life, but it is getting better. This year been my best yet.

Local honey on toast for breakfast.
Beconaise type spray monring and evening
Loratadine tablets - always take more than the suggested dose if things get bad.

Best thing is aircon car, aircon office.

I used to commute to London on the train, summers were hell - pollen highest mornings and afternoons, and trains all had windows open. No drugs could combat that!

As a child I used to wake up not being able to breathe through my nose or open my eyes. Glad those days are over!
I used to get really bad. Now what I do. I start taking my spray in February. I can be a bit laxt with this and when hay-fever gets me it gets me good & bad... It'll knock the hell out of me for a day.

I'll have a drink of my own wee the next day I'll have what I can describe as an hangover. Then next day Im good for the rest of the summer.
However I say this my hangover lasted for about 3 days this year. I just drank more wee, not had a snivel since.
I've sufferred various hayfever symptoms for the past 5yrs & thankfully they haven't been very severe. It started year 1 with itchy eyes during & after riding my motorbike. Then in year 2 I also seemed to sneeze a lot. Year 3 was very mild for me but year 4 I had a seriously debilitating bout of sinusitis, not necessesarily linked to hayfever but my finely honed 6th sense tells me it was. This year (touchwood) so far has been very mild but I do suffer a sneezing fit at approx 2pm ???

This hayfever business really is weird.
I've sufferred various hayfever symptoms for the past 5yrs & thankfully they haven't been very severe. It started year 1 with itchy eyes during & after riding my motorbike. Then in year 2 I also seemed to sneeze a lot. Year 3 was very mild for me but year 4 I had a seriously debilitating bout of sinusitis, not necessesarily linked to hayfever but my finely honed 6th sense tells me it was. This year (touchwood) so far has been very mild but I do suffer a sneezing fit at approx 2pm ???

This hayfever business really is weird.

It can be exacerbated by pollution.
It can be exacerbated by pollution.

I suppose it very well can be. But mine is definately down to plant pollen.

Now here's a thought . . . . Are all the plants causing the pollution???
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