letter from Boris Johnson to Donald Tusk

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
This is the letter:


The letter clearly ignores the UK chose to leave the EU -it is written from a stance that the backstop is unacceptable politically and its the responsibility of the EU to remove it.

It offers no solution to dealing with the problem that the Irish border will be an external border to the single market.

It will be refused by the EU -Ive no doubt Theresa May has already had exactly the same discussions.

Of course the tone of the letter and the fact it has beem made public is for one simple reason:

Boris Johnson will be able to blame the EU for not negotiating

-it will direct the anger of radicalised Brexiteers and absolve him from any blame in failure to deliver Brexit: so we have now got down to cries of childish 'its not fair'
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will direct the anger of radicalised Brexiteers and absolve him from any blame in failure to deliver Brexit: so we have now got down to cries of childish 'its not fair'
Keeps you amused tho Notchy..So not all bad.
The backstop only comes into effect if there is no other solution in place.

Buffoon claims there is a solution.

If he actually believed that, he wouldn't mind the backstop because it would never happen.

He doesn't believe it. Nor do the other no-deal Brextremists.
Keeps you amused tho Notchy..So not all bad.
I dont find the thought of troubles starting again all that amusing.

I see you find such things a laughing matter. :)

Please consider deleted.
My apologies
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I dont find the thought of troubles starting again all that amusing.

I see you find such things a laughing matter. :)
That's such a himmy thing to say. Himmy also twisted the meaning of the post too. Nice one.
The backstop only comes into effect if there is no other solution in place.

Buffoon claims there is a solution.

If he actually believed that, he wouldn't mind the backstop because it would never happen.

He doesn't believe it. Nor do the other no-deal Brextremists.
The EU and the Irish government would make sure that no other solution would be available in order to justify the implementation of the backstop.
A backstop would turn N.Ireland into a colony of the EU in which the people would have to accept EU law without having any representation in the EU.
The EU and the Irish government would make sure that no other solution would be available

You just made that up.

Where do you want the post-Brexit border posts to be?
Suspend the back stop for 5 years, to allow Bojo to put his money where his mouth is. Failure to implement suitable alternatives results in either
a) implementing the back-stop arrangement undisputed
b) leaving the EU and all negotiated benefits of a deal
c) reverting the UK to pre-A50 status subject to the will of parliament and the EU 27.5

by which time both sides will properly understand what can and can't work
Wow, who could have seen that happening?

Donald Tusk rejects Boris Johnson demand to scrap Irish backstop

"The EU has firmly rejected Boris Johnson’s demand to remove the Irish backstop from a Brexit divorce deal, claiming the UK had offered no “realistic alternatives” to prevent the creation of a hard border in Ireland.

The UK prime minister sent a letter to Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, on Monday night laying out why he wanted to remove the “undemocratic” backstop from the withdrawal agreement ahead of meetings between Mr Johnson and the leaders of France and Germany in the coming days.

In a terse response, Mr Tusk rebuffed Mr Johnson’s suggestion that the UK and EU could come up with “unilateral” measures to maintain the 1998 Good Friday Agreement that ended decades of violence in Northern Ireland, and accused the government of pursuing a strategy that would result in a new hard border."

Click here to read more
Joe Johnson's brother is just going through the motions
That's such a himmy thing to say. Himmy also twisted the meaning of the post too. Nice one.

Notch is frustrated, these numbskulls want to watch the destruction of so much good the UK has achieved as part of the EU, in their minds you cannot have change without a revolution.

"Mr Tusk’s response was supported by the European Commission, which said Mr Johnson’s letter “does not provide a legal, operational solution to prevent the return of a hard border on the island of Ireland”. “It does not set out what any alternative arrangements could be.

And, in fact, it recognises that there is no guarantee that such arrangements will be in place by the end of the transition period,” said Natasha Bertaud, spokeswoman for commission president Jean-Claude Juncker."

Buffoon claims there is a solution.

He doesn't believe it. Nor do the other no-deal Brextremists.
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