Divided we fall...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Well this study indicates how far the UK may have fallen...

Leave and Remain voters say violence against MPs and serious injuries to public ‘price worth paying’ to get favoured Brexit outcome

"Voters on both sides of the Brexit divide believe that violence against MPs and members of the public is a “price worth paying” to secure their favoured outcome, a new study has found.

A majority of both Leave and Remain voters would be happy to accept attacks on politicians and violent protests in which members of the public are badly injured if it meant they got Brexit outcome they want, according to a new polls"

Hopefully it is just 'talk', but so many simply expressing such thoughts is disturbing!

Of course there is much further to fall in the process of division!

"They also revealed a widespread belief that Brexit will trigger the break up of the UK. Fifty-two per cent of voters in England, 61 per cent in Scotland and 47 per cent in Wales think this is a likely outcome.

However, a majority of both Leave and Remain voters in all three nations polled believe that the break-up of the country would be worth it to get the Brexit outcome they want."
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I would quite like to kick Cummings in the goolies

Can I crowdfund for a hitman
Violance is not required or necessary.

Simply vote the MPS out of office at the next General Election.
Indeed many not wanting a GE for that very reason knowing they are a gonna.
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The trouble with any poll is where it is taken and what the question is. They only tell you how many were polled and no other details.

If, for example, you wanted to organise a poll to show that gambling should not be banned, you’d take it outside a bingo hall as it was emptying. Similarly, if you wanted to show that greyhound racing should not be banned, you’d take it outside the local dog track.

Where and how was the poll taken - if it was taken at a local knit and natter meeting, I’d be worried!
Where and how was the poll taken
Research done on a YouGov poll that surveyed 1,594 adults aged 18 and above in England, 1,503 in Wales, and 1,006 in Scotland.

It backs up some other polls, but they were nearly always concentrating on just the leave side..

Of course some vested interests haven't exactly helped!

Cummings for example said that 'MPs will stop getting threats and abuse if they "respect" the EU referendum result.'

Of course that goes against these findings, since such thinking is apparently not restricted to one side of the argument!

But that this country is divided for the forseeable future is inarguable, and probably irrevocably so...

Not only do we have the polaralisation of politics for years to come due to the actual negotiations starting on our 'new place' in the world, but we'll also have the issues of Scottish independance and the reuniting of the island of Ireland...

And when/if that starts to happen, even the normally reticent Welsh may become agitated about their tiny insignificant role in a pared down UK!

But that this country is divided for the forseeable future is inarguable, and probably irrevocably so...
Yip...reasons for you to be cheerful...........Nada.zero...nil....
Unfortunately your depth of reasoning doesnt extend to realising that disagreeing with brexit does not indicate ones disposition.
Except in your case...You cannot be happy..posting such misery 20 hours a day 7 days a week
Unfortunately your depth of reasoning
Sussed you long time ago Notchy...Obsessed with sheep because you are one and admire herding qualities..No balls to break free and go your own path.

durhamplumber is totally triggered (y)

That is your other coping quality,the ""trigger"" response..So predictable.Some would say boring...As we know, life is all about choices.
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