Brexit bank holiday

2 Jul 2019
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United Kingdom

Britain moved a step closer to getting a new bank holiday to celebrate Brexit today. The creation of a ‘United Kingdom Day’ in June cleared its first parliamentary hurdle, but is unlikely to become law if it does not win Government backing. Pro-Brexit Tory backbencher Peter Bone has led calls for the public holiday in June to celebrate ‘Brexit, the Union and the Queen’. His proposed bank holiday would fall on the Friday nearest to June 23 – the date of the EU referendum in 2016 – and could also mark the Queen’s birthday and coronation anniversary, both of which fall in June.

I trust Notch, Noseall and Galahad wont have the cheek to take a day off.
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why would you want to celebrate failure

ps May bank holiday is on Friday 8th May this year
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We should ditch the May Day bank holiday, which essentially celebrates communism, and replace it with one in late June or early July to celebrate Free Enterprise and the fact we are now, or soon will be, free from the shackles of the EU