Coronavirus: China rejects call for probe into origins of disease

31 Aug 2005
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United Kingdom
Sorry but they're guilty end of...

China has rejected calls for an independent international investigation into the origin of the coronavirus.

A top diplomat in the UK, Chen Wen told the BBC the demands were politically motivated and would divert China's attention from fighting the pandemic.

Information about the origin of Covid-19 and how it initially spread could help countries tackle the disease.

The virus is thought to have emerged at a wildlife market in the city of Wuhan late last year.

Meanwhile an EU report accuses China of spreading disinformation about the crisis.

The bloc's External Action Service says Russia, and to a lesser extent China, have "targeted conspiracy narratives" in the EU and neighbouring countries.

US President Donald Trump has also repeatedly attacked China for its handling of the outbreak, and the state of Missouri is suing the Chinese government, accusing it of doing little to stop the spread of the virus.

Scientists have poured cold water on speculation that the virus could have been engineered in a Wuhan laboratory.

Europeans 'nervous' about confronting China

Governments in Europe have so far been wary of engaging in a diplomatic row with China at a sensitive time.

One UK official, who like others declined to speak on the record, said there was a "nervousness" about confronting China and that relations were "delicate".

Countries are dependent on Beijing for deliveries of vital equipment in dealing with the crisis and want to keep the flow of information open to help understand what happened this time and prevent future outbreaks, and experts say the approach needs to be carefully calibrated.

"We need to dial down the rhetoric and the confrontation because we've got something more serious to deal with," argues Charles Parton, a former UK diplomat in China and now a senior associate fellow at the RUSI think- tank.

In the US by contrast, the issue of China is becoming highly politicised in an election year with competing calls for a tough line on Beijing and pressure to investigate the origins of the virus.
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It certainly seems time to look at a new world order, China are guilty of deceit and lies, Russia aint too far behind. Thank God we have:

The Donald.

That's a 'tongue in cheek' remark btw, but I do wonder how far from the truth it may be.
The Chinese appear more concerned about covering their own asses.

If nothing else though, they need to take stringent measures to minimise the likelihood of this happening again.
China has rejected calls for an independent international investigation into the origin of the coronavirus.
Bother and fiddlesticks.
A top diplomat in the UK,
Great, the UK are on it.(y)

Meanwhile an EU report accuses China of spreading disinformation about the crisis.
Great the EU are on it.(y)

US President Donald Trump has also repeatedly attacked China for its handling of the outbreak
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China and there flu

It wil be a massive cover up ;)

The EU will assist China in the cover up ;)
Sorry but they're guilty end of...

Then how did a Frenchman get it in France, without travelling to any infected areas, before it left China?

"He was admitted to hospital on 27 December exhibiting what later became to be known as the main coronavirus symptoms, including a dry cough, a fever and trouble breathing.

"This was four days before the World Health Organization's China country office was informed of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause being detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan."
Maybe it didn't start in China, maybe it just spread there.
Then how did a Frenchman get it in France, without travelling to any infected areas, before it left China?

"He was admitted to hospital on 27 December exhibiting what later became to be known as the main coronavirus symptoms, including a dry cough, a fever and trouble breathing.

"This was four days before the World Health Organization's China country office was informed of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause being detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan."
Maybe it didn't start in China, maybe it just spread there.

From your link
"This was four days before the World Health Organization's China country office was informed of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause being detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan"

4 days :D so how long did Chinese think hmmm.. best we say something before we get found out, seriously what you on about.

How long did the Russians decide to wait before admitting Chernobyl reactors may have a few issues?
How long did the honourable Japanese wait before admitting Fukushima was out of control?
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Then how did a Frenchman get it in France, without travelling to any infected areas, before it left China?

"He was admitted to hospital on 27 December exhibiting what later became to be known as the main coronavirus symptoms, including a dry cough, a fever and trouble breathing.

"This was four days before the World Health Organization's China country office was informed of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause being detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan."
Maybe it didn't start in China, maybe it just spread there.

"...before it left China"?
When did it leave China, @jonbey ?
I've read reports that patient zero presented with it c. 17/11/2019.
People were freely coming and going then, and well afterwards.
Upto 80% of the infected are asymptomatic, so your French patient didn't need to go to an infected area, much less mix with any noticeably-ill people.

The Chinese also actively suppressed reports that human-to-human transmission was viable.
Honestly... I'm waiting for the first numpty to imply this was a Tory led virus, spread by a philandering unworthy PM ;)
Every country made mistakes in their response to the pandemic.
Scapegoating China won't solve anything.
Covid19 was a virus that hadn't been seen before.
If all countries had of moved faster then things might have turned out different.
The main pool of infection for CV19 is Europe, if the EU had of responded as quickly as the Chinese could the virus have been stopped in its tracks.
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Honestly... I'm waiting for the first numpty to imply this was a Tory led virus, spread by a philandering unworthy PM ;)
focusing on the source of the virus is a handy way for Tory supporters to divert attention from the govts poor response to this crisis -which was inevitable given this govt were voted in on their ability to lie.

If you vote liars into power you arent going to get great governance in a crisis.
ironic really -this govt will be hopeless when it comes to navigating though the challenges that brexit will bring.
The main pool of infection for CV19 is Europe, if the EU had of responded as quickly as the Chinese could the virus been stopped in its tracks

also true for USA

the virus will go through India etc -those are the countries where it will be difficult to get the infection rate down.
focusing on the source of the virus is a handy way for Tory supporters to divert attention from the govts poor response to this crisis -which was inevitable given this govt were voted in on their ability to lie.

If you vote liars into power you arent going to get great governance in a crisis.
ironic really -this govt will be hopeless when it comes to navigating though the challenges that brexit will bring.

Notch you're twisted beyond recognition.

I do believe we should all be wearing masks been saying that for some time i also dont see much point in the testing if all we're doing is monitoring how sh't we are at not allowing it to spread, that's my few off topic dislikes about our government strategy and why i think some of the approach is wrong (easy to say from my armchair)


How our Government are handling this and how this spread in the first place are two sep issues. Point being this thread is discussing the origins not just another pointless post at bashing the government we know you don't like the Tory party we get it.
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Scapegoating China won't solve anything.

I for one am not "scapegoating" China.
I am however all for investigating the root cause, so that any recurrence may be prevented, or its likelihood minimised.
The simplest, and most likely explanation is currently the Wuhan area.

if the EU had of responded as quickly as the Chinese could the virus have been stopped in its tracks.

If the Chinese had acted as quickly as the Chinese did in your estimation, this thing wouldn't have seen 1st January 2020, let alone the rest of the world.
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