Any thoughts on these plans for an extension?

27 Sep 2010
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United Kingdom
Any feedback appreciated on these plans!


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Feedback on what, the drawings, the design, the practicalities?

The first thing to do is establish exactly what you need to achieve. That plan has lots of things tacked on, but what the criteria is or the desired outcome is, are unknown - and therefore so are the options.

The second thing is "What are the constraints"? Where are the neighbours, the drains, the garden etc.
eg why is that wall at the back stepped in like that? Do you really want a porch in one brick and an extension tacked on to it in another brick on the front of your house?
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Any thoughts on other layouts I could use? I need more space downstairs (more rooms as I have kids).
Because of the position of the stairs its nearly impossible to open it up any more. Would love to knock the wall out between the garage and the kitchen, but its a terraced house so need front to back access ideally...


What kind of ‘thoughts’ are you after?
The wall at the back is stepping in due to the neighbours having a poorly built extension out the back. I was going to ask if I could build on it but have noticed its out of square by 10cm over 2m. Unless there is a way around it? I could ask if Im able to rebuilt the wall?

Feedback on what, the drawings, the design, the practicalities?

The first thing to do is establish exactly what you need to achieve. That plan has lots of things tacked on, but what the criteria is or the desired outcome is, are unknown - and therefore so are the options.

The second thing is "What are the constraints"? Where are the neighbours, the drains, the garden etc.
eg why is that wall at the back stepped in like that? Do you really want a porch in one brick and an extension tacked on to it in another brick on the front of your house?
Have you got views at the front or back?

Do you want an office? Would it be used regularly or rarely? Would it do double duty as a kids room/anything else?

Do you prefer open plan or discrete rooms?

Where's the entrance to the downstairs loo?

Does the wonkiness in the neighbours' extension run away from you or over the boundary into your plot?

Are you up for major rejigging or do you just want to add volume as cheaply as possible?

Based on what you've told us so far, I'd try and carve off some of the garage into either the kitchen or a utility room/downstairs loo, keeping a passageway to the back where you can smash your shins on stored bikes.

Views permitting, I'd put more glass in the south-facing wall, less at the north, minimise internal walls and get some sightlines (blue lines) from the front to the back to take sunlight into the rear and make the space seem bigger.

Move the front door and add light to the new, bigger hallway.

Maybe have some sort of visual breaks (green lines) for the office / NW room... an archway, bookcases, whatever. Maybe you'll keep the stepped wall and have a boxed in beam anyway. Add as much visual delineation between office and kitchen/diner as you want.

Take the chimney breast out if you don't use it, liberate the space, move the telly there.



Thank You, some great points in there.

Yes I would like an office type area downstairs, kids are getting older and have computers out all the time on the kitchen table (I prefer them downstairs using devices)

I prefer discrete rooms, the loo entrance is a sliding door next to the front door at the moment

Wonkiness runs away from our property - Its my in-laws next door so they could be convinced of more major works - however its only likely to free up 300mm of space in that room.

Ideally space as cheaply as possible - To be honest the kitchen as it is now is fine - its just painful squeezing past the table when someone is sitting there.

Do you have any ideas on adding windows to internal walls that doesnt stop the wall being usable space? Perhaps high level windows etc?

Chimney is used with a wood burner which I love, otherwise I would have probably put the living room in a new room at the back?

Have you got views at the front or back?

Do you want an office? Would it be used regularly or rarely? Would it do double duty as a kids room/anything else?

Do you prefer open plan or discrete rooms?

Where's the entrance to the downstairs loo?

Does the wonkiness in the neighbours' extension run away from you or over the boundary into your plot?

Are you up for major rejigging or do you just want to add volume as cheaply as possible?

Based on what you've told us so far, I'd try and carve off some of the garage into either the kitchen or a utility room/downstairs loo, keeping a passageway to the back where you can smash your shins on stored bikes.

Views permitting, I'd put more glass in the south-facing wall, less at the north, minimise internal walls and get some sightlines (blue lines) from the front to the back to take sunlight into the rear and make the space seem bigger.

Move the front door and add light to the new, bigger hallway.

Maybe have some sort of visual breaks (green lines) for the office / NW room... an archway, bookcases, whatever. Maybe you'll keep the stepped wall and have a boxed in beam anyway. Add as much visual delineation between office and kitchen/diner as you want.

Take the chimney breast out if you don't use it, liberate the space, move the telly there.

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