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10 May 2006
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United Kingdom
I've just been banned from the ImPOTUS thread because I posted an explicit image of Hunter Biden with his dick out.
Fair enough, but the point I was making still stands.
That image was one of many from his laptop, there are many very explicit videos showing what a perv Hunter is.
But as I said in the post that was deleted, there are also many thousands of emails on that laptop revealing all of Hunters business dealings with foreign countries while his father was Vice President to Obama.
The Bidens sold access to Joe and made many many millions of dollars from these countries, mostly from China, half of everything which went to Joe.
It is all laid bare in all of it's detail on that laptop, and Rudy Giuliani has had it for over a year.
He gave everything on that Laptop to the FBI a year ago, but they sat on it until after the election.
The American authorities, and the mainstream media were all well aware that Biden is a traitor who is owned lock stock and barrel by China.
But the hatred for Trump is so strong that they would rather see him in the Whitehouse than Trump.
That is why most people will never have seen that picture I posted, or even heard of Biden's laptop before the election.
The New York Post broke the story a few weeks before the election and were immediately suspended by Twitter, while the rest of the media went out of their way to dismiss it as a Russian hoax.
It was all true and is all coming out now after the election.
But no doubt people still will not believe that they are being systematically lied to.
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ive just edited this as I only read the 1st 8 words of above post. Having read all of it, I want to distance myself from any agreement whatsoever. Thank you, goodnight!
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If that election is allowed to stand there will be more than just agitators. There are about eighty million very *****d off Yanks who know the election was stolen, most of them with guns.
If the election is rightly overturned the Democrat supporting mob won't be happy and will burn everything to the ground.
That was the plan all along, it's called a colour revolution and America has done the same to many countries around the world, now it has been done to them.
Create a civil war by causing a disputed election.
It's divide and conquer without firing a shot..
China is at war with America because they are the last country on Earth who can stand up to those commie bastrds.
They've spent years buying up influence in America, they own most of the politicians, and most of the elites.
They are laughing their fcking heads off right now.
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ROFLMAO the nutters are spilling over now.
If that election is allowed to stand there will be more than just agitators. There are about eighty million very *****d off Yanks who know the election was stolen, most of them with guns.
If the election is rightly overturned the Democrat supporting mob won't be happy and will burn everything to the ground.
That was the plan all along, it's called a colour revolution and America has done the same to many countries around the world, now it has been done to them.
Create a civil war by causing a disputed election.
It's divide and conquer without firing a shot..
China is at war with America because they are the last country on Earth who can stand up to those commie bastrds.
They've spent years buying up influence in America, they own most of the politicians, and most of the elites.
They are laughing their fcking heads off right now.
Seriously - have you been sniffing glue? (can we see some more Hunter Biden fakes but with Jessica Chastain and Naomi Watts instead of them blokes?)
Seriously - have you been sniffing glue? (can we see some more Hunter Biden fakes but with Jessica Chastain and Naomi Watts instead of them blokes?)
I can give you the link where you can see all of them if you like.. You'll be able to perv off to your hearts content.
You will have to search through all of the boring traitorous stuff to find it all though, sorry about that.
How is it only YOU who knows all this?
Millions of people know all this! People the world over who have woken up to the fact that the mainstream media are lying tools of the elites, and who have started ignoring their crap and looking elsewhere for their information.
It is all there, when you start looking.
Though sadly, many are just too denso to ever make the leap.
posted an explicit image of Hunter Biden with his dick out.
Just because you found an indecent picture does not make it ok to further distribute it.....just read the rest of your posts...That is the least of your problems.
No one seems to have told the social media companies that
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