Brexit is going swimmingly

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

"I had no idea at all I was going to be charged any more for deliveries after Brexit. The extra costs were definitely a bit of a shock."

Ellie Huddleston, a 26-year-old Londoner, thought she would treat herself to some new work clothes in the January sales.

Like a warm cup of cocoa on a cold wintery night. Sit back, relax and watch people come to realise how wonderful Brexit is. :D

These are not teething problems but the new reality, something we should all cherish. (y)
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Apparently if you call them fabric samples, they are exempt.


"I had no idea at all I was going to be charged any more for deliveries after Brexit. The extra costs were definitely a bit of a shock."

Ellie Huddleston, a 26-year-old Londoner, thought she would treat herself to some new work clothes in the January sales.

Like a warm cup of cocoa on a cold wintery night. Sit back, relax and watch people come to realise how wonderful Brexit is. :D

These are not teething problems but the new reality, something we should all cherish. (y)
This type of reporting has been doing the rounds on ex-pat sites since Jan 1st.
I suspect the true cost of Brexit is still to be revealed.
Perhaps the fist quarter trade figures will give us some insight. Obviously it will all be blamed on Covid, just like the empty shelves in NI, that has been totally refuted by Simon Coveny's, "were these same shelves empty before Xmas?"
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But this isn't directly brexit related is it? I thought it was a pretty mad scheme dreamt up by the ever unfathomable HMRC.
Yes, it is. The import taxes/VAT were not applicable prior to Brexit.

Well sort of. The new rules were in place for non EU countries since 2019, after Dec 31st the new rules applied to EU countries too. HMRC were not compelled to introduce these rules.
Well sort of. The new rules were in place for non EU countries since 2019, after Dec 31st the new rules applied to EU countries too. HMRC were not compelled to introduce these rules.
Didn't they also reset the lower limit for VAT to be applied?
But this isn't directly brexit related is it? I thought it was a pretty mad scheme dreamt up by the ever unfathomable HMRC.

VAT laws are created by our elected government.
VAT laws are created by our elected government.

Not sure how HMRC works, I know it's a non ministerial department. Whether that means or how much autonomy they have though, I don't know.
The government decides what should be charged VAT and other taxes, and what the rates must be.

It is the duty of HMRC to apply the laws set by the government.

They have no power to decide on whims of their own.

A trick used by pro-government newspapers is to blame civil servants for obeying the government. Civil servants are not allowed to mention this when interviewed on TV.

The government can also choose to allocate more resources into chasing 50p of overpaid benefits than £1million of underpaid tax, if it wishes (it does)
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