UK gives EU ambassador full diplomatic status

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

The UK government has agreed to give the European Union ambassador in London full diplomatic status.

Anyone remember this thread and the Residents over the moon when we said we wouldn't give the EU Ambassador diplomatic status?

Too right!

i am in agreement with the uk tbh

Yes they should not get diplomatic status

More fool those 142, and more fool the 27 for allowing it.
Notch regular derided brexiteers for "cakeism" ; this is just the same.

It was poined out how it was all bravado.

RWR fall for the gambit every time.

The UK is showing a false sense of Bravado and real politik to project its image of sovereignty yet where it mattered in the trade deal they folded like a house of cards. This gives the simpletons the symbolism they crave when the reality is different.

Trump rejected the EU ambassador, then he walked it back. Mini trump will do the same, or whomever the Tories replace him with.

Every time the Government plays the cheap parlour trick and the public falls for it. This is clear evidence you are being manipulated and taken for fools.
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Anyone remember this thread and the Residents over the moon when we said we wouldn't give the EU Ambassador diplomatic status?
You know when you tease a cat with a fluffy toy on a piece of string to get it to play with you? Well, occasionally you have to let the cat catch the toy to let it believe it can occasionally beat you. That’s what we did with the EU commish. ;)
You know when you tease a cat with a fluffy toy on a piece of string to get it to play with you? Well, occasionally you have to let the cat catch the toy to let it believe it can occasionally beat you. That’s what we did with the EU commish. ;)

It's so sad to see you in such denial.
Wow dangee you really are in such denial. Deflection only proves how badly you have been conned.
G. When your vote contributes to actually winning any from if election, people might bother listening to you. Till then, jog on LOSER.
G. When your vote contributes to actually winning any from if election, people might bother listening to you. Till then, jog on LOSER.

Lol. You see it as a game and it's no wonder you get conned time and time again.

I voted Cameron twice, so even your twisted logic you are wrong.

Thirty years experience of being conned? :LOL:
Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary, and Josep Borrell, the EU’s foreign policy chief, said in a joint statement that they had resolved the dispute by granting the ambassador “a status consistent with heads of missions of states”.

The agreement, “based on goodwill and pragmatism”, will allow Almeida to present his diplomatic credentials to the Queen and give his staff “the privileges and immunities needed to function effectively”.

The decision echoed a volte-face by the Trump administration, which downgraded the EU ambassador to Washington for more than a year before restoring his status.

It is understood that America was keen for the UK and EU to reach a resolution. The agreement came after Raab met Borrell on the sidelines of the G7 foreign ministers’ meeting, intended to reinvigorate western co-operation.

Definitely taking back control.

The UK government has agreed to give the European Union ambassador in London full diplomatic status.

Anyone remember this thread and the Residents over the moon when we said we wouldn't give the EU Ambassador diplomatic status?

It was poined out how it was all bravado.

Every time the Government plays the cheap parlour trick and the public falls for it. This is clear evidence you are being manipulated and taken for fools.

some dirty deal has been cooked up over beer and sandwiches . Dare say the F***** scoundrels were up to there tricks over the caper
some dirty deal has been cooked up over beer and sandwiches . Dare say the F***** scoundrels were up to there tricks over the caper
Yes it took some adults to sort out Raab's childish antics.

We're well aware of your hatred for foreigners and especially the French. It's abundantly clear from the torrent of anti-foreigner comments that you persistently post on here.
That'll go a long way in re-establishing UK's integrity in the world.
some dirty deal has been cooked up over beer and sandwiches . Dare say the F***** scoundrels were up to there tricks over the caper

Which scoundrels?

The parlour trick worked and then the stockhold syndrome kicked in.

You agreed with not giving the EU Ambassador full status and now the Government has decided to row it back.

I take you support the Government on this 100% :sneaky:
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