Shopping With Morrisons Through Amazon

11 Jan 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
We are isolating.

So I thought I'd try this.

It seems OK, but I have reservations.

I don't find it easy to order, at least from my phone:

It is tricky to work out how to delete items you have chosen then changed your mind.
Then when I found a way, they ended up back in my basket and I couldn't find a way to remove them. In the end, I went on the PC and was able to remove them.

While trying to delete these items from my basket I clicked on the basket icon top right and it said "your basket is empty".

Amazon don't make it clear you have two baskets; an Amazon one and a Morrisons one.

The search facility stinks. You can enter a general word like scone but it does not pull up all varieties of scone. You end up racking your brains for other words to use that might bring the items up.

Also, it doesn't seem that they have a full range available which is understandable, but it makes it very difficult to know what products are available via Amazon when you can't search for items efficiently and accurately.

I'm not sure how this shopping works: the food is delivered by Amazon in Amazon bags. So do these Amazon delivery guys visit a local store? Does Amazon have a mini Morrisons in their warehouse? Do Morrisons stores pack up their products for Amazon and then have them picked up by A delivery drivers?

Has anyone else shopped with Morrisons through Amazon?

What do you think of it?
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I heard there was a tie up, I presume Amazon collect the gear from local store already picked and put in the Amazon bags

It can't come from a. Central warehouse as transit would be too long. And each of the Amazon hubs I doubt store all the groceries as it can't possibly be cost effective to provide the choice on offer.
Not sure how it works, (Amazon have stocks or Morrisons have Amazon bags etc), but my wife sometimes uses them for non essentials such as cleaning products etc
She always states 'no substitutes', so she doesn't get fobbed off with cheap/inferior stuff, so if they put a substitute in you get it for free. Couple of weeks ago they substituted 7 bottles of Lancaster Bomber with 7 of Doom Bar. I was a bit annoyed but as they came free I enjoyed them. :) Also if you have breakages, such as cannelloni pasts tubes, you get them for free if you phone up and complain.
"Orders are hand-picked from local stores by dedicated Morrisons staff and delivered to customers by Amazon Flex Delivery Partners."
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