Bank of America & iTunes

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom

I've just received an email from a Mr Bruce Thompson from the Bank of America Corporation. Strangely enough Bruce has emailed me from a Gmail account however I'm sure there's a sound explanation for this.

Through their affiliations with the IMF, FBI and Homeland Security, Bruce confirms I am due $10,700,000 from the IMF. After much waffle, all of which seems perfectly above board and believable, all I need to do to receive my $$$ is to send them a ...

... $90 iTunes card (to cover admin time)

:) :) :)

I was having my doubts, however after seeing that, I just KNEW this was genuine, so I've duly sent them the iTunes card. When do you think I'll receive my $10,700,000?
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He must have written to you by mistake. The money is in fact mine and I have already claimed it.

If you get my cheque, just forward it to me.
You’ll be amazed at how much these scammers make. I do like watching the YouTube channels of those who hack the scammers cctv and call them out.
You’ll be amazed at how much these scammers make. I do like watching the YouTube channels of those who hack the scammers cctv and call them out.
It reminds me of the pre Internet days when folk did similar things via the post. I remember watching a tv prog about it and somebody involved in the scams said along the lines of 'we work on the basis of getting one hit for every 500 letter drops' or something like that. They were sending out tens of thousands of letters per campaign.

Regardless, I trust Bruce, his email only had about 20 spelling errors and 30 grammatical errors, so he's obviously one of the top guys in the Bank.
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They will be deliberate to weed out anyone with half a brain. It’s the easy, low IQ, slow learners, kids and confused OAPs they are after.
I wouldn't mind, but I used to have a Bank of America account (I still have the card), but he's never written to me. I wonder why not?

They will be deliberate to weed out anyone with half a brain. It’s the easy, low IQ, slow learners, kids and confused OAPs they are after.
Which is why I'm even more disappointed - I must fall into one or two of those catagories... :unsure: ;)
I wouldn't mind, but I used to have a Bank of America account (I still have the card), but he's never written to me. I wonder why not?

Which is why I'm even more disappointed - I must fall into one or two of those catagories... :unsure: ;)
I've emailed him to ask
Email back from Bruce. He advised me you won't need a letter, you're special. The next time you get a delivery to your door (as in the very next time) it will be one of Bruce's team disguised as a delivery person. To prove it's you, you must say exactly this ...

I bought a goat from Uzbekistan and it only eats lettuce.

The delivery person might look at you with a perplexed expression and/or might say 'eh?!?' at which point you MUST continue, saying this ...

The goat it has two lovely eyes, they draw me in like a magic spell.

At this point, hand the delivery person your $90 (£74.09) iTunes card to cover admin fees. They will return to their vehicle and retrieve a package. In this package will be the £ equivalent of $10,700,000.
At this point, hand the delivery person your $90 (£74.09) iTunes card to cover admin fees. They will return to their vehicle and retrieve a package. In this package will be the £ equivalent of $10,700,000.
There must have been a mix up - when I tried saying that to the Amazon guy at lunchtime he threw my package at me and walked off muttering something about "all feckin nutters up this end o' the woods...". He didn't take the iTunes card and advised me to do something with it which might prove to be rather painful. The package contained some T-shirts. What did I do wrong?
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