I'm sorry to be a broken record but ...

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
... why are they not just locking scum like this up for ACTUAL life?!?

Why should he have even a glimmer of hope of being free in his 60s?!?

Just can't get my head around it.
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Just been reading the case.
Hopefully there will be a different judge inside who will meter out the long painful part, but hopefully not a quick termination.
... why are they not just locking scum like this up for ACTUAL life?!?

Why should he have even a glimmer of hope of being free in his 60s?!?

Just can't get my head around it.

Because politicians are in charge and they make promises which they then break. When capital punishment was abolished, to placate the protests, they promised life sentences - to mean life. Since then, they have allowed the criminal justice system to become a sick joke, and watered down the meaning of 'life' (without meaning to be too Pythonesque). Politicians create the problems. They are traitors to their country. Does anyone expect them to have answers or solutions to the many pressing problems that we face?
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That piece of scum will be kept in a warm environment with three good meals a day at public expense until some loony do-gooders decide he is "no longer a threat" to the public and he is let out on licence. For being a murderer he is receiving "better" treatment than many of this country's law-abiding citizens who struggle to heat their homes and feed themselves and their families. The cost to the public purse is immense. He, and those like him who murder, rape and generally have no respect for human values should be executed, and all evidence of their existence expunged from the public record - or is that going too far? The money saved by significantly reducing the prison population could be put into social projects. Rant over.
He, and those like him who murder, rape and generally have no respect for human values should be executed, and all evidence of their existence expunged from the public record - or is that going too far?
I'm not saying this to be the case here.

But since the end of capital punishment, how many innocent people who were convicted of the above would have been executed? How many have years later been cleared because of overturning dodgy police practice and outdated/discredited scientific investigation techniques?

And if you 'expunge' their existence, how do you suppose future criminal analysis would have the data to compare and improve?

Live should indeed mean life, but state killing? Not in my name!
Theres always some '****' willing to give these type of people the 'benefit of doubt'. Wasn’t 'someone' in this very thread championing the 'rights' of poor Mo Robinson who 'found' 39 dead immigrants in the container on back of his lorry?
Theres always some '****' willing to give these type of people the 'benefit of doubt'.
Well I guess you're one of those who believes that nothing untoward could ever happen to you or anyone you know?

There's quite a long list of innocent people who should have been given the 'benefit of doubt', but that's not much good after execution is it!

Btw, since you appear to be in favour of capital punishment, would you personally be willing to flick the switch/pull the lever/pull the trigger/do the injection?
Wasn’t 'someone' in this very thread championing the 'rights' of poor Mo Robinson who 'found' 39 dead immigrants in the container on back of his lorry?
Wasn't 'someone' not willing to accept the principle of 'innocent until guilty'? :rolleyes:
Saw this on the news, and tied in with something I was watching on Ch4 the other night.
These men literally prowl the streets looking for women to rape. Police need to do more to stop this - you should be able to dial 999 to report people following and harassing you. Although some are very good at no being spotted until it is too late.

How old is he now?
29 why?

29 + 38 = 67

My underlying point is, if the person isn't being locked up for life, don't call it a life sentence. Yes yes, I get the legal definition, out on life sentence conditions etc, so what? That means in theory, this piece of scum could be out aged 67 and have ~20 years of freedom.

The victim doesn't have that luxury, do they?

Killing someone in cold blood, someone completely innocent of any wrongdoing against the perpetrator should result in one sentence and one sentence only. Whole life tariff.
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