The recovery

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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It may seem awful, but when you are properly up and about, you may want to be careful of those around you.

I had a small bout of pneumonia last year, only a 3 day stay in hospital and a 2 months wait, before I could walk down the road without getting breathless; I picked something up from my son going to nursery. The problem is, every time he brings something home now, it goes straight to my lungs (three times so far), I'm currently suffering coughing fits, wondering if I should go back to the doctor's...

I can't really avoid my child, but I would be a lot healthier if I could!

Even from my small bout, I know it takes a surprisingly long time to get over, and that also has an effect on your loved ones, who also get bored/exhausted/don't understand why it's taking so long.

Take your time, have patience and don't push your recovery, or you may get further set backs.

...and what helped me to stay sane? - answering questions on a DIY website...

Good luck, you'll get there :)

I've still got a nasty phlegmy cough.

Has an ex-Ray and a CT scan last Monday.

I've had no choice but to be patient as I really have been too knackered.

I now have to get the balance right. I do need to start earning and also realising that I need to take care.
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I’m just getting back to normal after a chest infection from August/September. Yesterday, running an additional network cable, was the first time I managed anything other than a brief walk without getting out of breath. 3 X-rays and a course of antibiotics have seen it “almost completely resolved” according to the GP. Still coughing lumps up though.

Chin up at least you are on the mend now but don't rush to do stuff cos set backs happen quickly.
Time the dog walks accurately. Say it's 10 mins. Try and walk outbound for six minutes when you feel like. Then turn around. You see how it goes. Soon you'll be on 9-10 outbound, a 20 min walk. If appropriate, stop at 20, and start to try and cut the time a tiny bit. Ten seconds quicker will fee great...

Times and spacings in line with how you feel, not in line with mine.

Get better soon.
Sorry to hear of your situation, I hope it improves quickly. Protein shakes and yoga sounds like a great plan.

Shakes have proved good so far. An old friend said 4 months max as the are a processed product with tones of suger
I’m just getting back to normal after a chest infection from August/September. Yesterday, running an additional network cable, was the first time I managed anything other than a brief walk without getting out of breath. 3 X-rays and a course of antibiotics have seen it “almost completely resolved” according to the GP. Still coughing lumps up though.

Chin up at least you are on the mend now but don't rush to do stuff cos set backs happen quickly.

I think alot of chest infections have been going about
I have George Zippy and Bungo clothing.
Rod Jane and Freddie underwear.

All my white work T shirts are George, good value for money. Some of my underpants still have C & A labels on them, but that's so I don't put them on back to front.
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