UK households paying the lowest levels of Tax on Record

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

Thinktank says Tories have overseen the biggest increase in taxes during a parliament since records began in 1951

UK households are facing an average tax rise of £3,500 a year by the next election, the country’s leading economics thinktank has said – the biggest increase over a parliament on records dating back more than 70 years.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) said that on current forecasts the Conservatives were on track to raise £100bn more annually by 2024 than if taxes as a share of national income had stayed the same as in 2019.

In a damaging report for Rishi Sunak as the Tory party faces growing internal divisions over the issue, the thinktank said tax revenue was on track to amount to about 37% of national income in 2024, up from about 33% four years ago.

Compared with a world in which that shift had not occurred, the IFS said this amounted to an additional £100bn a year for the exchequer – the equivalent to about £3,500 more per household, although some would pay more and others less.
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But isn't this a result of the Right Wing government moving so far to the right it's now Left Wing? And will it make Angela's party Centerist?
Trussed Liz had the bright idea of reducing tax rates to increase tax revenue through stimulation of the economy......

Not surprised the government is short of cash.
The price of hotel rooms is scandalous.
Especially the ones with the nice view of the English channel.
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Whoda thunk it. The parliament that had a pandemic, a nationwide lockdown and paid for millions on furlough. They spent absolutely billions on vaccinations and PPE and I’ll bet there’s not many on this forum either as an employee, business owner or a self employed person that haven’t been helped out financially by the government. It should be obvious even to an idiot that they would have to get most of that back through taxation. Thing is, would any other political party have done different if they were in power?
Wasted - whilst simultaneously making their chums rich.

Every cloud eh.... :rolleyes:
For some, yes. Luck of the draw. Do you think it would have been any different if Labour or Lib Dems been in power? They've all got slippery mates or those prepared to make a quick Buck.
Do you think it would have been any different if Labour or Lib Dems been in power? They've all got slippery mates or those prepared to make a quick Buck.
I doubt it.

Covid provided a unique opportunity for some people to get rich quick. It was astonishing how rapid the grasping greed locked on to the 'VIP lane' thing.
I detest politicians even more these days. Especially the career/Olympic liars.
Whoda thunk it. The parliament that had a pandemic, a nationwide lockdown and paid for millions on furlough. They spent absolutely billions on vaccinations and PPE and I’ll bet there’s not many on this forum either as an employee, business owner or a self employed person that haven’t been helped out financially by the government. It should be obvious even to an idiot that they would have to get most of that back through taxation. Thing is, would any other political party have done different if they were in power?

The problem with that is that taxes have been rising before the pandemic so your ahole argument is as usual covered in your dog poo which the tories shovel into your mouth.

At first we had Tory Austerity which didn't work so then we had Tory brexit as the answer to Tory Austerity and when both failed lets quickly lump it all under the pandemic and the dogs lapped it up.

The Uk economy based on consumer consumption and a weakend health service was always in a precarious position whe the pandemic hit.

So if your argument is blame the pandemic well it only then proves how weak you had made the British economy through Tory policies.

Woof Woof.

Thinktank says Tories have overseen the biggest increase in taxes during a parliament since records began in 1951

UK households are facing an average tax rise of £3,500 a year by the next election, the country’s leading economics thinktank has said – the biggest increase over a parliament on records dating back more than 70 years.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) said that on current forecasts the Conservatives were on track to raise £100bn more annually by 2024 than if taxes as a share of national income had stayed the same as in 2019.

In a damaging report for Rishi Sunak as the Tory party faces growing internal divisions over the issue, the thinktank said tax revenue was on track to amount to about 37% of national income in 2024, up from about 33% four years ago.

Compared with a world in which that shift had not occurred, the IFS said this amounted to an additional £100bn a year for the exchequer – the equivalent to about £3,500 more per household, although some would pay more and others less.

It’s needed to
Cover the 8 million squid a day for hotel accomadation

Mind you

You could assist have you got a spare room ??

As they say every little helps
It’s needed to
Cover the 8 million squid a day for hotel accomadation

Mind you

You could assist have you got a spare room ??

As they say every little helps

The £8m a day is a nice earner for the hotel chains.

The Government could have easily built the capacity themselves factoring in they have been in power over a decade.

What did you expect?

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