Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Draft Bill

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
Will this succeed?

There is a major problem:

The bill allows the govt to tell courts to ignore parts of International law


1) the govt is not removing itself from International law

2) Rwandan govt has stated the U.K. partnership must comply with Internatiomal law

It looks like there won’t be any planes taking off for Rwanda before the next election
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Dark rumblings can be heard after the resignation of Robert Jenrick, according to Chris Mason. Murmerings of unquiet discontent about the behaviour of Rish! and a no confidence vote hangs in the fetid air, waiting to rain down chaos and confusion.
Either that or a bad curry was consumed in the canteen.
£140 million spent and nothing of any note has been achieved which sounds about right for this shower of Tory sh!te; still 20 points behind in the polls. One more year and they'll be gone.
no confidence vote hangs in the fetid air, waiting to rain down chaos and confusion
the right wing of the party are out of control.

I guess they know they are going to lose and so they just don’t care.

This country desperately needs to get rid of this destructive right wing populism.
This country desperately needs to get rid of this destructive right wing populism.
How do you suggest that this could happen?

After all the dumbed down portion of the electorate seems to lap up said 'right wing populism'...

Otherwise it wouldn't be 'popular' would it ;)
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How do you suggest that this could happen?

After all the dumbed down portion of the electorate seems to lap up said 'right wing populism'...

Otherwise it wouldn't be 'popular' would it ;)
It is happening.

Trump got booted out
Johnson got booted out
Tory party 20 pts behind

right wing populism will continue to dangerous because the liars and cheats can still spread their messaging on social media
the right wing of the party are out of control.

I guess they know they are going to lose and so they just don’t care.

This country desperately needs to get rid of this destructive right wing populism.

The right wing of the Torys no longer have any control to speak of.

It is happening.

Trump got booted out
Johnson got booted out
Tory party 20 pts behind

Johnson and Truss gone, we've got Rishi, the establishment choice.

right wing populism will continue to dangerous because the liars and cheats can still spread their messaging on social media

Are you seriously suggesting our country and most of the western world is in the current state because of something someone posted on Facebook.
The right wing of the Torys no longer have any control to speak of
They exercise huge control

Are you seriously suggesting our country and most of the western world is in the current state because of something someone posted on Facebook

Social Media allows the lies, propaganda, gaslighting to directly reach the general public.

Why do you think libertarian lobby groups like the Institute of Economic Affairs, Tufton street etc etc are so influential?…because they are able to push their lies on Brexit, low tax economies, etc etc to brainwash people like you
Can't see the limp wristed liberal luvvies giving up being the soft touch they are so it's business as usual.
So you think stopping the Rwanda scheme is a soft touch?
So you think stopping the Rwanda scheme is a soft touch?
The courts will stop the Rwanda scheme and any other scheme that goes against agenda 30.
Wake up notchy do you know what kind of world we are living in now, international law rules.
Are you seriously suggesting our country and most of the western world is in the current state because of something someone posted on Facebook.
I'd say a good deal of angst is down to Trump spouting off on Twitter. Looking forward to more next year, old boy?
The courts will stop the Rwanda scheme and any other scheme that goes against agenda 30

the courts will stop the government doing something that breaks the law

the govt is trying to push through a bill that contravenes international law.
but the govt has not chosen to leave those international laws

Im sorry if you lack the cerebral resources to not understand.

Wake up notchy do you know what kind of world we are living in now, international law rules
Your globalist conspiracy nonsense is both tedious and childish

International laws like ECHR and refugees convention are there to protect people, Ot is the reason virtually every Western country with a functioning democracy accepts them.

if you think we should be like Russia and not be in ECHR, then enjoy wallowing in your own ignorance

the courts will stop the government doing something that breaks the law

the govt is trying to push through a bill that contravenes international law.
but the govt has not chosen to leave those international laws

Im sorry if you lack the cerebral resources to not understand.

Your globalist conspiracy nonsense is both tedious and childish

International laws like ECHR and refugees convention are there to protect people, Ot is the reason virtually every Western country with a functioning democracy accepts them.

if you think we should be like Russia and not be in ECHR, then enjoy wallowing in your own ignorance
Poor old brainwashed notchy he believes everything it says on the tin.
An establishments dream, voting for more of the same come the election from tweedle de and tweedle dum, it's not like they can usurp international law is it, ha haha.
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