Stop the Yachts

11 Nov 2020
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Middle Earth
United Kingdom
In his forthcoming book, Superyachts: Luxury, Tranquility and Ecocide, Grégory Salle calculates there were 1,835 superyachts measuring 30 metres or more at the start of the century; within two decades that was over 5,200. Each new one boasts more luxuries than the last: Imax cinema rooms, swimming pools on deck that can be turned into dancefloors, and shower heads the size of car bonnets that pour forth champagne. (“The only unresolved question,” says a designer, “is whether the champagne should be warm or cold.”)
Superyachts may be a fringe hobby pursued by those with hundreds of millions to burn. But “small boats” are also a tiny fraction of a far bigger immigration picture in the UK, where an ageing population needs care workers and NHS medics. But put the two boats together in the same picture and you get a larger perspective on the arguments of the nativist right. Sunak, Jenrick and their like accuse migrants of wanting British citizenship without earning it. Yet those Afghans and Iraqis arriving here want only to build a life, to get jobs, raise families. The billionaires, on the other hand, can buy the protection of this state or many others – and opt out of the other obligations. So why does the Silicon Valley wannabe in No 10 direct so much ire at asylum seekers? Perhaps because some boats, and some lives, are more equal than others.

Aditya Chakrabortty@The Grundiana
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So why does the Silicon Valley wannabe in No 10 direct so much ire at asylum seekers? Perhaps because some boats, and some lives, are more equal than others.
It's a deflection from their own incompetence's with this and other things. It also gets the troops on the ground enraged at a problem which blames everyone else but is of their own making.
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Ever read so much utter incoherent drivel as the op? Jealous lefty gievance 'reporting' at it's finest from the hand-wringers' rag. Usual vindictive soak the rich claptrap, forgetting they provide employment and pay large amounts of tax. OP too slow to work out that this is needed to pay for their multicultural dream.

Denso and Himmy will lap it all up. Aye, aye - Captain Hogwash!
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What's new in the OPs post? Nowt really. Very rich people with lots of stuff. Very poor people with not lots of stuff. Some of the rich people including those in power apportioning blame to the poor people to distract from the fact they're rich and have fecked things up.

Has always been, will always be. I'll wait for Ellal to come along and lecture me on why I'm wrong, and how we need to change the world into a truly peaceful one. Ha Ha Haaaaaaaaa.
Ever read so much utter incoherent drivel as the op? Jealous lefty gievance 'reporting' at it's finest from the hand-wringers' rag. Usual vindictive soak the rich claptrap, forgetting they provide employment and pay large amounts of tax.

In many countries, the rich have been seeing their wealth taxed less in recent decades, as politicians argue that less taxing will allow corporations to hire more employees, prompt more labour competition and raise average wages, eventually allowing more wealth to trickle down to the ordinary person. According to Oxfam data on countries belonging to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the average tax rates on the richest people have fallen from 58 percent in 1980 to 42 percent at present. Elon Musk, founder of Tesla and owner of X, formerly Twitter, paid a “true tax rate” of around 3 percent between 2014 and 2018.

In 2017, former US President Donald Trump promised Americans that his Tax Cuts and Jobs Act would deliver benefits for the working class. The act aimed to slash corporate tax from 35 percent to about 20 percent for big organisations. Trump delivered $1.5m in tax cuts, the biggest corporate tax cut in US history. However, in their book, The Triumph of Injustice – How the Rich Dodge Taxes and How to Make Them Pay, economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman found that in 2018, the 400 wealthiest families in the US paid an average tax rate of 23 percent in 2018, while the poorest households paid taxes at a rate of 24.2 percent, higher than the richest people.

A yearly 5 percent wealth tax, Oxfam said, could help mobilise up to $1.7 trillion to address humanitarian crises around the world, and support countries bearing the brunt of climate change.
Ever read so much utter incoherent drivel as the op? Jealous lefty gievance 'reporting' at it's finest from the hand-wringers' rag. Usual vindictive soak the rich claptrap, forgetting they provide employment and pay large amounts of tax. OP too slow to work out that this is needed to pay for their multicultural dream.

Denso and Himmy will lap it all up. Aye, aye - Captain Hogwash!
You should have read the article, and voiced your criticims about the opinion, not attacked the messenger with your usual vitriolic anti-refugee hatred.
But as it's normally beyond you to posit a counter argument, I suppose expecting one is to over-estimate your abilities.

Denying the wronged their rights is how the British establishment created the Post Office scandal – but no matter!
From the article.
There isn't a heirarchy of rights. You can't say we'll protect those rights, but not those others.
A 'right' is a moral or legal entitlement to have or do something.
The rights of the indiviudal should not be reduced depending on the colour of your politics.
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What's new in the OPs post? Nowt really. Very rich people with lots of stuff. Very poor people with not lots of stuff. Some of the rich people including those in power apportioning blame to the poor people to distract from the fact they're rich and have fecked things up.

Has always been, will always be. I'll wait for Ellal to come along and lecture me on why I'm wrong, and how we need to change the world into a truly peaceful one. Ha Ha Haaaaaaaaa.
You appear to have missed the main thrust of the article. It was in the title of the article:

The Tories are right, we should stop the boats. Just not the ones they’re talking about​

And the typical amoral anti-foreigner has fallen for it hook, line and sinker:
Over the past half-decade, the government has manufactured a full-blown moral panic over refugees. First the Conservatives denied most of them any safe route to seek asylum here, while starving the asylum system of funds so that it collapsed into chaos. Finally, they and their media allies portrayed some of the poorest and most desperate people in the world as dusk-skinned folk devils bringing their foreign religions and culture here in order to take the UK for all it’s got, and trash society along the way.
GRÉGORY SALLE: I never thought I would write about luxury yachts, a topic I knew nothing about and that never interested me.

enough said.

There is a valid argument about the consumption of very large leisure craft, the fuel they consume, the pollution the space etc. But nobody will listen to this guy.
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