Who is attending Church on Easter Sunday?

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And on the general opinion polls, most people in the UK don't believe in any religion. Christianity is on a constant decline since the 80s and only Islam is on the rise amongst the youth so it's slightly more popular than the CoE or the Roman Catholics. (6%, 6%, 8%).

Also London is the religious heart of the country and everywhere else is a godless wasteland in comparison, especially the Welsh.
So just to be clear, you enlightened and caring fellows believe in the importance of a woman being able to choose, but not the importance of that woman existing in the first place?

That is quite the stupidest argument against abortion I have ever come across. It makes about as much sense as Chris Finch arguing "How can I hate women? My mum's one"
That is quite the stupidest argument against abortion I have ever come across. It makes about as much sense as Chris Finch arguing "How can I hate women? My mum's one"

That's because it isn't an argument against abortion. I am simply drawing attention to the logical inconsistencies in the thinking of those, on this thread, who have spoken in favour of abortion and the way they presented their argument.

I've never seen that Chris Finch quote or know who he is but it makes perfect sense to me. He would not exist at all if it were not for his mother (who didn't abort him in the womb).

Strange that you find such simple matters so baffling.
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you enlightened and caring fellows believe in the importance of a woman being able to choose
Always. It's how it is and always should be. If she doesn't want to continue with her pregnancy - her choice and hers alone.
Legally Roe v Wade shouldn't have been reviewed at all.
You mean the Evangelical Church protested and pestered the SC until they changed the law - democracy in action?

I'm still pro-choice but the way Feminists argue their case is just as radical as the anti-abortion lobby.

Why should Roe v Wade not have been reviewed? A great deal has changed since 1973.
Why should Roe v Wade not have been reviewed? A great deal has changed since 1973.
The need for women to have access to abortion hasn't changed a great deal, has it? They now have to travel across states to do it or rely upon access to abortion pills.

It's no accident the red (US) states are home to some of the stupidest people on the planet.
You mean the Evangelical Church protested and pestered the SC until they changed the law - democracy in action?

I'm still pro-choice but the way Feminists argue their case is just as radical as the anti-abortion lobby.

Why should Roe v Wade not have been reviewed? A great deal has changed since 1973.
Stare decisis.

The US supreme court doesn't change the law, or at least it shouldn't. It clarifies what the law means, once clarified it is supposed to be left alone unless the Senate changes what the law should be. Overturning Roe Vs Wade was very controversial procedurally and technically.
Overturning Roe Vs Wade was very controversial procedurally and technically.
Just more Republican stupidity and cruelty. The demand for abortion is as important and essential as it has always been. The morons in the red states just make abortion more difficult and cause women unnecessary suffering. The wealthy women will probably be ok. They will even prosecute you for helping a woman in dire trouble. Cruel thoughtless dumb bastards.
Stare decisis.

The US supreme court doesn't change the law, or at least it shouldn't. It clarifies what the law means, once clarified it is supposed to be left alone unless the Senate changes what the law should be. Overturning Roe Vs Wade was very controversial procedurally and technically.
It'd been coming for many years and compares with the Brex*it issue in the UK; a long standing dissatisfaction with the terms of legislation and a growing lobby agitating to repeal the law in their favour, stooping to all kinds of misinformation and lies in order to win the argument. I don't know the legal ins & outs but since 2008 when the 'Tea Party' grew from strength to strength and mutated into the MAGA movement, Evangelical Christians have held their nose and voted for Trump because he's "their guy". They know he's a conman, a misogynist, a thief...and all kinds of wrong, but they say it's worth it to achieve their stated aim of returning America 'to God'.
More than sixty million of 'em in America and every one will vote for Trump to return to the WH, regardless of their personal opinion on the man, so long as he enacts their will upon legislation and gets the job done. The changes have been made and will perhaps take another 50 years to reverse the damage done to civil liberties across America but the Bible Belt has tightened it's hold on the Federal legislature and all y'all can do is protest in the same way those bible punchers have done.
The Longest Con shows how this 'Culture War' began a long time ago...
It'd been coming for many years
..only amongst Republican politicians and their supporters.

Having access to abortion is just as popular in the US as it's always been. A majority of US citizens support access to abortion. Whom ever controls the legislature controls the laws - however few.
..only amongst Republican politicians and their supporters.

Having access to abortion is just as popular in the US as it's always been. A majority of US citizens support access to abortion. Whom ever controls the legislature controls the laws - however few.
Mitch McConnell understands American politics better than anyone and he realised it's State legislature where the grass roots grow, enabling the Republicans to spread across the Senate where the law is made real. Becoming President is easy enough with more money than Midas; any fool can do it...even Trump. But if you have one seat more than the other side you will win the day. And it's all down to very few votes across a huge electorate that really makes the difference. It could be as few as 10,000 votes in Nevada or Georgia in one District - and that's the crux of their strategy. Focussing on particular Districts with money and advertising ensures their message is repeated louder than Democrats can maintain until they can swing the state in their favour. Similar tactics are used in the abortion issue and Democrats realised the dangers far too late.
The polls show the forthcoming election has one or two points between the two parties and it could all come down to one District making all the difference between 4 more years of Biden or 4 more years of Trump. God help us.
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Always. It's how it is and always should be. If she doesn't want to continue with her pregnancy - her choice and hers alone.

But the woman wouldn't exist at all if her mother had chosen to terminate her during pregnancy... just pointing out that your logic is a little strange. As in, you seem to care about a right but not the life...

I'm not against abortion, but do find the extremists on both sides - such as yourself - a bit odd. That said, you don't seem to think things through very carefully before posting, so it is difficult to tell if you really understand the subjects you keep posting short, angry growls about.
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