Angela Rayner

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That’s so racist! Can’t you be black and Britain ?
You can be black and British

But his dad was white and British

The son of an enslaved black woman from Barbuda and a white Englishman”

Poor NWGS, tried to be clever….failed spectacularly :ROFLMAO:
You can be black and British

But his dad was white and British

The son of an enslaved black woman from Barbuda and a white Englishman”

Poor NWGS, tried to be clever….failed spectacularly :ROFLMAO:
Abbott was voted in third Botchy.

Oh dear me, I’d like to see you one argument this year. You do try hard.
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so your saying you can only be white if your of british decent .. Just how racist are you . You do realise with the british empire we were a multi cultural society back then also
No I’m saying his dad was white

Which proves you are wrong…although you are always wrong, so at least you are being consistent.

Yeah the British empire was wonderfully multi cultural….what with white people and black slaves
No I’m saying his dad was white

Which proves you are wrong…although you are always wrong, so at least you are being consistent.

Yeah the British empire was wonderfully multi cultural….what with white people and black slaves
Botch trying to divert the topic “Again”

Bless you Botchy, you’re special
No I’m saying his dad was white

Which proves you are wrong…although you are always wrong, so at least you are being consistent.

Yeah the British empire was wonderfully multi cultural….what with white people and black slaves
his dad was creole of african /british decent explain how that makes him white ?
how can he be stating it as fact if he says " I THINK" jesus have you not taken your meds this morning
He didn’t say “I think”

Try reading more carefully:

“He points out that mistakes can be remedied with HMRC within four years so it's now out of time - although she could choose to pay money back if found to owe anything.”

Poor gas wrong again

Good grief, it’s a list

It doesn’t state those 3 were in chronological order

You are embarrassing yourself now

You need to get that radiation sickness treated
And there we go…. No proof Abbott was the first!!

Botchy is wrong as per. Why do we bother lol.
Notch would you like to give us the list of who was sworn in first out of the 3 black MPs in 1987 as you are not an MP till sworn in so
He didn’t say “I think”

Try reading more carefully:

“He points out that mistakes can be remedied with HMRC within four years so it's now out of time - although she could choose to pay money back if found to owe anything.”

Poor gas wrong again

jesus christ read your cut and paste it says i think
Good grief, it’s a list

It doesn’t state those 3 were in chronological order

You are embarrassing yourself now

You need to get that radiation sickness treated
go on prove your point of which one was the first black MP out of the 3 in 1987 who was sworn in first because your not an MP till your sworn in .
Look forward to the link
jesus christ read your cut and paste it says i think
No it doesn’t.

The “I think” refers to a different point

Your desperate attempt at dishonesty has not gone unnoticed

Gas112 is getting more angry by the minute
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