Recent content by clive22

  1. C

    DIY Flat roofing

    Are you really so far up your own arris that you can't understand when someone asks for a bit of clarity about the price of a job that,on the face of it,seems relatively simple ?? If you get a quote for work on your car or your kitchen or anything realy,do YOU allways take the first price...
  2. C

    DIY Flat roofing

    Man up? MAN UP!!?? If "Zenon" is going to be so prissy about sharing usefull info to a new comer then I must call to question his making himself available on the forum. Oh,and by the way,is this how new members are usually welcomed?
  3. C

    DIY Flat roofing

    I do take your point but the 400+ I was quoted does seem a bit steep for a potty little roof. I make no bones about it,if I had the money then I would pay it and let someone else have the stress and hassle! :D
  4. C

    DIY Flat roofing

    Sarcasm is so unbecoming :cry:
  5. C


    Many thanks :D
  6. C

    DIY Flat roofing

    Hi,I've just joined the forum so I hope I can pick someones brains. I have a small flat porch roof (aprox 3'x5') to re-cover and have been quoted £400 pounds,which included replacing any rotten boards, for "hot felting". Is this a reasonable quote or is there something on the market that is...