Recent content by exon16m

  1. E

    flue system identification

    Thank you that is what the previous owner has just told me. Although they don't do 10"
  2. E

    flue system identification

    External diameter 39 cm internal 25 cm. Pictures to follow thank you Is there a way to tell if it's a mixed fuel or gas only ?
  3. Untitled


  4. Untitled


  5. E

    flue system identification

    External diameter 39 cm internal 25 cm. Pictures to follow thank you Is there a way to tell if it's a mixed fuel or gas only ?
  6. projects


  7. E

    flue system identification

    Is there a way to tell the maker of a flue system? I have a hardly used twin wall sectional stainless steel system, jointed with locking bands that is 10" diameter that was used for an open fire place. Some people I have spoken to are asking if it's a gas flue when I have spoken to...
  8. E

    complex dual fuel central heating questions

    No not a Broseley This is it The heat exchanger is 30kw. The output to water is 18 kw with 10w to the room.
  9. E

    complex dual fuel central heating questions

    Lol thanks... I guess I could have drawn it not on the back of an envelope and taken a little more time. I will see if I can make a better one today. Depressing the boiler you mean I would have a "short circuit" missing the boiler without a automated valve to close this loop. The check...
  10. E

    complex dual fuel central heating questions

    It is an off the shelf kit. From the maker of the boiler. The dhw is on a loop with an automated valve from the out and return part of the diagram. The quench valve discharges into an external drain as the wood burner would overheat if it was not there and the heat for some reason was...
  11. E

    complex dual fuel central heating questions

    That is how the system is can you explain what you mean please, I hope it's my drawing not the house that is done wrong. I think I see what you mean old refill to pre heating side and expansion on post heater side. (mine is genuinely as per my picture) With this system do you think you...
  12. E

    complex dual fuel central heating questions

    [/url] Yes just like that. Although with far fewer pumps