Recent content by Karlos123

  1. K

    Hot and Cold Water Extensions

    The TMV Valves might be an option given that it is a care home but I am still at a loss as to how I can tap into the hot water supply. Is there anything available that can cut into a 22mm pipe to allow a tee connection?
  2. K

    Hot and Cold Water Extensions

    Couldn't just go for it with compression valves as the water is scalding and knowing my luck, I would just finish up flooding the place. Given that the cold water tap turned off both hot and cold supply to the taps, it is a bit like a combi boiler system - but the systems in place are old...
  3. K

    Hot and Cold Water Extensions

    I have been attempting to install a hot and cold feed pipe extentions at a care home where I work. I located 2 x 22mm pipes in the false roof, each marked with red and blue tape to identify. The cold (blue) pipe has a normal stop cock and the hot pipe has a gate valve. I turned off the cold...