Recent content by sheppy100

  1. S

    can you help me identify main fuse

    So would there be a fuse somewhere in the flats....there is a box downstairs in the entrance hall thats padlocked could that be it... the meter and the link are right outside the front door to the flat
  2. S

    can you help me identify main fuse

    Photo's as requeated [/img] [[/img]
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  5. drt


  6. S

    can you help me identify main fuse

    Hi I have changed over my 3036 type cu to a shiny new RCD... when I pulled the main fuse it wasn't actually a fuse (not the usual BS88 you normally get anyway) it was a shaped piece of copper, I can't see that it acts as a fuse it would take to much power to operate and doesn't have a rating ie...
  7. S

    any good books on domestic electrical testing

    Cheers Spark just the thing I need
  8. S

    any good books on domestic electrical testing

    No doing part p course, I am a kitchen fitter and its very difficult to arrange a spark to come every week and do a bit here and there, so need to get part p qualifications. have got a fluke tester and on site guide and trying to piece together what to do and when just to give me a bit of a...
  9. S

    any good books on domestic electrical testing

    Thanks for the info I will check them out
  10. S

    any good books on domestic electrical testing

    I am looking for a good book to explain about electrical testing to have a read up on for part p. any ideas or info.
  11. S

    wierd floating electrical current

    I never said it was reliable, all I said was that it was detecting something...and was asking how is it possible to be live whilst disconnected...
  12. S

    wierd floating electrical current

    Thanks crafty for a decent answer, everyone else on here are soooo b itchy I thought I 'd come on to a girls forum.... For their information I have done a part p course and all final terminations checked OK... But your right I don't know how to use a multimeter, doesn't make me a bad person...
  13. S

    wierd floating electrical current

    Thats usefull !!!!!!!!!!! Your obviosly an electrician who hates diyers... Any one else have anything constructive to help out
  14. S

    wierd floating electrical current

    Have a wierd one .... Fitted a stainless steel extractor and after a few weeks kept getting shocks from it, got an electrical current detector thingy from B&Q and it buzzed when near the body of the extractor. Disconnected it turned on the electric, "electrical current detector thingy from B&Q"...