Recent content by Skinnylegs

  1. S

    Undergroud drainage problem

    Like this but there is no manhole on the retained wall side only further up the drive
  2. Untitled


  3. S

    Undergroud drainage problem

    I am in the close to start installing the drains on a self build. I have a question as the site is sloping I have built a retaining wall for the drive, the connecection to the sewer is on the other side of the retaining wall and is about 8 feet down and 8 feet away from the wall. Heance the...
  4. Untitled


  5. skinnylegs


  6. S

    Meter tails

    I am currently building a new property and am currently on first fix for the electrics. I am using the council for electrical inspection. My problem CU near the incoming supply that supplies the basement and Garage, however I want to put another CU under the stairs. The distance is...