Recent content by stevesfuture

  1. S

    Terms & Conditions

    We supply and fit multi fuel stoves and are a newly established company. Can anyone advise us on T & C's to keep us covered. As you can imagine fitting these appliances can be v messy no matter what precautions are taken. Also any ideas, apart from the obviouse, as to how to minimise mess...
  2. S

    Rendering on timber frame - drip advice???

    I would want to render down below the wall plate just to make sure although the render will probably dry quicker on the masonary background. Look at useing SBR and maybe enquire about 'ready mixed render this will take the head ache out gauging your mixes also cuts down on mess. Good luck
  3. S

    Ceramic flue linings

    Does anyone have experience with installing ceramic flue linings?
  4. S

    Damp and salt marks on house plinth,4'0" above ground l

    Tough one that! Can't believe the soil pipe etc 14ft away will effect that area. Water will find the easiest route every time. Seems strange after 20 odd years that salts are coming out now. Check for boxy render and as for removing salt use a stiff dry brush. good luck
  5. S


    Speak to Soveriegn Chemicals about an exterior system you can use. I think it's called K 11 but they.ll know. It's not cheap but it's good stuff and as you have highlited 'pay cheap pay twice' . Dry lining is defenatley not the answear. Good luck
  6. S

    How many bricks ?

    Approx. 60 per sq.m. Phone reclamation yard for value of blues.
  7. S

    mould on front door walls

    Condensation and then mould is caused when warm air meets cold air. Perhaps you have a draft coming in or that the UPVC door was well insulated and the new wooden door is obviosly not. Is it a cavity wall? Is there poor air circulation in that area? Not an easy problem to cure I would forget...