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  1. P

    Soundproofing a room

    I want to soundproof a room, where my wife can get some peace and quiet from our son, I was thinking of cork tiles, does anyone know whether these absorb much sound?, any alternative suggestions?, we are on a bit of a limited budget. Any replies appreciated.
  2. P

    Disconnect gas cooker temporarily

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Yep, I'm not like you guys saying you came from places like Antarctica :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Yep, I've accepted now that because it is rigid pipe, I have to leave it alone, I'm just going to lay the Laminate flooring around it, and not worry...
  3. P

    Disconnect gas cooker temporarily

    Nope, their is no flexible pipe at all, thanks anyway, I phoned a guy at the big hardware chain here, their plumbing guy, he nearly freaked when I asked if it was safe, and said it was illegal, I don't think they make it easy for the home handyman here sometimes, I don't know of anyone who has...
  4. P

    Disconnect gas cooker temporarily

    No, nothing like that really, all copper pipe and fittings by the look of it. :(
  5. P

    Disconnect gas cooker temporarily

    I guess I haven't really interpreted the picture properly, because on mine you definitely need to unscrew the thing, so I'm assuming it is unwise to touch it. :(
  6. P

    Disconnect gas cooker temporarily

    Looks a bit like that yeah, so you say don't touch it?, makes it hard to do all the floor don't it :(
  7. P

    Disconnect gas cooker temporarily

    I want to replace the flooring in the kitchen, I'm laying some of the click together laminate stuff. Is it pretty safe to disconnect the stove so I can move it, and then reconnect it afterwards, obviously I would turn off the gas supply to the house first? Is their any special precautions I...
  8. P

    Painting floorboards

    I am now thinking that this Ezi-Klik Laminate is the go for us, I could probably do this myself a room at a time, it just clicks together, and no smelly glues required which would I surely would be alergic to, and damaged panels can be replaced. It...
  9. P

    Painting floorboards

    I did suspect that
  10. P

    Painting floorboards

    Yes, I realise they sound louder, whilst not entirely happy with that, I think I could get used to it. Can you seal the gaps not only to stop them collecting dirt, but also to stop drafts? I'll try costing that to see if we can afford it, thanks.
  11. P

    Painting floorboards

    I'm thinking of pulling up my old carpet and painting the floorboards, and was wondering if I could get some advice. My reason for doing this, is I have a severely Autistic Son, who is proving difficult to toilet train, and I want a surface easy to clean, having said that I don't have much...