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  1. A

    Best to paint garage door

    hi, my question was more about painting were i had sanded all the way to the steel as this is only some of the door.
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    Best to paint garage door

    any ideas??
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    Best to paint garage door

    Hi all, Basically long story short, I've had to sand off the blue plastic covering on my garage door as the previous owner (5 plus years) didn't remove it all and it had bonded to the door. I've attached a photo graph, but my question is what type of paint do i need to restore the door...
  4. Untitled


  5. Garage Door

    Garage Door

  6. A

    Door Frame and Door

    Added photo's as requested. Thanks for all your help again!
  7. A

    Door Frame and Door

    Hello, I've uploaded some pictures of a Door and the Frame of my new house. As you can see there is a small gap between the two and can almost feel a slight breeze coming through. :shock: Could any one recommend me anything? Thanks