Search results

  1. G

    Plannnig permission for portakabins?

    Hi all, Does anyone know whether these temporary, modular buildings are covered by the same planning permission rules as permanent, brick-and-mortar buildings? The ones I'm particularly asking about are these ones:[/url] (Not sure if...
  2. G

    Sky Diving?

    I've always wanted to try paragliding, less of an adrenaline rush than sky-diving but more about enjoying the feeling of flying.
  3. G

    Sh*t jokes forum.

    What do you call a fish without an eye? Fsh... Well, this is a thread for sh#t jokes ;)
  4. G

    Sick Arsonist

    a suspect is thought to be 15 years old ... that's old enough to know right from wrong, hope he gets the full weight of the law, deserves a long time in prison! (although I doubt he'll get more than a year or so, max...)
  5. G

    Scottish independence.

    Just think, in just over a week's time we'll know whether Scotland will stay or go. I think they'd be worse off if they left but it's their decision to make. I just hope all the voters actually research things properly first rather than just deciding on a whim on the day...
  6. G

    Bar joke

    An Englishman, Welshman and Irishman walked into a bar. The barman looked up and said, "What's this, a joke?"
  7. G

    Word Association
